Archangel Purlimiek – Making Habitats for Nature

by Susan Browne

I’ve spent the past couple of years attending a course on Biodiversity and wanted to share with you some of what I’ve learned. I’ve been working with Lemurian crystals and planetary healing for a long time now and it fills me with delight to learn about nature and how I can help on the physical level as well as the spiritual. 

One of the things I learned is that we can help wildlife by creating habitats. In the natural world, there are many habitats and nature doesn’t need our input. But in our gardens, for example, when we mow the grass to keep things looking neat and tidy, we are also removing habitats. Places for creatures to shelter and hide.

One thing we can do is mow less often, and leave corners or margins that we don’t mow so that there are places for those little ones to feel safe. Also, managing weeds or unwanted plants by resiting them to somewhere that doesn’t bother you, rather than harmful management such as weedkiller is a great change to make. The bees are very grateful for your dandelions and daisies – they call them food

Archangel Purlimiek and Nature Projects

Archangel Purlimiek holds the divine blueprint for our fifth-dimensional natural world and works with Master Pan. His retreats are in Zimbabwe, Tibet, Stonehenge and Machu Pichu. He will always support you if you show an interest in helping nature. When you put your hands in the earth, it is very grounding and you will feel peace in your heart. 

Here is a photo my son took of me making a pond this new year. Can you see the orb of Archangel Purlimiek?

Whether you have a garden or not, it’s possible to help nature. For guidance, here is a prayer:

Dear Archangel Purlimiek,

please guide me on how to help nature. 

I am open to new opportunities.

I invite the nature angels and fairies to come to me now. 

Thank you, Master Pan, for opening my mind to possibilities and positive thoughts for the environment. 

Help me to protect and add love to the wonderful natural world. 

And so it is. 


Place your hands on your heart and make a heart-to-heart connection with nature and the wonderful high-frequency guides.  

Be open to signs that will come to you now. 

Make a Micro Pond

You can even make a pond out of a plastic bowl, like the ones people buy at Christmas with chocolate sweets in. Choose a place to put your pond where it won’t be disturbed. In a corner might be nice. You can dig a hole to sink your pond into or build up around it with earth. Some people make a small mound first and place their pond on top so that it’s raised off the ground a little.

Get some stones and put them into your pond. Build up some at the sides, so that if a little creature were to fall in, they could easily climb out again. You can buy small pond plants at some garden centres, but this isn’t essential for your little pond. Plants do help it to clean itself though and are nice for biodiversity.

Now add water. Tap water will do, rainwater is better if you have it. But the chlorine from your tap water will evaporate so don’t worry about it. Best of all, if you know someone with a pond, ask them for a little bit of their pond water and any ‘duck weed’ or plant life from it. Some of the life from their pond will then be in yours and give it a start. But again, don’t worry if you can’t get this. Life will find its way to your pond.

Here is a video of a little pond I made in a local community space out of a washing up bowl:

In the summer if the weather is very dry, you may like to top up your pond if the water levels get too low. But mostly, you can leave it to its own devices and let nature take care of it. 

Make a Bug Hotel or Log Lodge

With very little effort, you can make a lovely habitat for insects and other wildlife to shelter in. There are many instructional videos and articles you can follow. Below is one I made this year, where I used old logs and bits of wood. I began with a layer of cardboard, then sprinkled on some old leaves. Then I layered up the logs with spaces in between.

I also added two flower pots with short pieces of bamboo in them, positioned slightly downward facing so the rain can’t get in. There is also a little ‘ramp,’ for things to climb up into this. Bees or other insects can shelter inside. Beside it I planted a native Irish fern, then I asked Archangel Purlimiek to bless this home. The whole project took less than 90 minutes and was incredibly energising and rewarding. 

Planting Pollinators

Whether you plant bulbs for bees (like crocus and snowdrops) or other plants and flowers that the bees like, you are helping to provide food for the creatures that need pollen. Support biodiversity by choosing those that are native to your country, there are lists of these available online. Not all garden centres stock native pollinators, which as sometimes branded as ‘weeds,’ but you can get these off other gardeners who are knowledgeable about native plants. In Ireland, the All Ireland Pollinator Plan is a good place to look, and in the UK, the RHS Plants for Pollinators

Trees are pollinators too and great habitats for a vast array of wildlife. Planting trees on your land, or if you don’t have anywhere to plant, helping others’ tree planting projects is a great way to help nature. Archangel Purlimiek urges us also to conserve our mature trees. Big trees sequester huge amounts of carbon and help prevent floods, as well as many other huge benefits. When we reach out to politicians and let them know this is important, it helps to raise it up on the agenda. 

Speaking to Plants and Trees

A good way to deepen your connection with the natural world is to speak to plants and trees. I like to think of them as sentient beings who can hear and like to be spoken to. Open up to the energy of plants and trees and the fairies will love to connect with you too. If you grow food, say thank you when you pick something. Before planting something, mentally ask it, ‘would you like to be planted here?’ You might be surprised by the results. 

In Ireland, the Hawthorn is regarded as sacred and magical, and home to the fairies. Some people make wishes and place ribbons on the trees. I took this photo of a Hawthorn at the foot of Ben Bulben, in Co. Sligo. The energy here was very special and I got the feeling that many people stopped to admire this tree as well as the view behind it

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