Lemurian Planetary Healing Teacher Training

The Cosmic Moment in December 2012 brought wonderful new energy to our planet Earth and
gave us all opportunities for enlightenment and ascension. Our wonderful planet is undergoing
massive changes by raising its energies very rapidly from the third to the fifth dimension. Very
soon it will resonate as a fifth-dimensional planet and play its integral part in evolution by
shining its wonderful light and vibrations into the Universe. The Lemurians knew that this would
be a pivotal time in the Earth’s evolution, so they left crystals in the Earth for us to magnify
healing energy and use for our planet.

The purposes and aims of this teacher training course are to

  • Provide you with an opportunity to help the planet in her evolution
  • Provide you with the skills and confidence to work with others in a group to help the planet in her evolution
  • Give you an understanding of Lemuria and the Lemurians
  • Give you an understanding of Lemurian crystals and why they should remain within the planet
  • Provide you with a basic knowledge of crystals and their care
  • Provide you with the opportunity to use Lemurian crystals by either sending healing directly to the crystals that the Lemurians placed within the planet so that this may be magnified within the Earth or by sending healing to the planet with the help of Lemurian crystals that you already have in your possession
  • Provide you with information on other high-energy help that is available
  • Provide you with a range of very powerful visualisations and activities for you to use in your own Lemurian healing sessions and workshops
  • Give you the knowledge to live as lightly as you can on the planet so that you do minimum
    harm to her
  • Provide you with a comprehensive framework to run your own Lemurian planetary healing
    sessions and workshops
  • Give you the expertise to facilitate groups and workshops in a professional manne

The Lemurian Planetary Healing background and philosophy

This teacher training programme is based on Diana Cooper’s teachings in her 2012 and Beyond and Keys to the Universe books. Diana saw this as a very important topic and visualised it as a separate course for The Diana Cooper School of White Light.

This course is mainly experiential, with the emphasis of the training being on developing
practical teaching skills, increasing confidence, empowerment and enhancing individuals’ abilities and talents.

Prior Knowledge and Experience

The main requirement is a strong desire from the heart to help our wonderful planet.

The Diana Cooper School of White Light honours and recognises that everybody has their own individual skills, desires, knowledge and potential. Our wish is to help you take your light out into the World and share it through running workshops and group sessions.

You are expected to be mentally and emotionally stable and responsible for your own actions and behaviours at all times.

The application form helps assess the suitability of potential teachers; therefore, the information you provide must be as comprehensive as possible.

Recommended Pre-course Reading

2012 And Beyond, Diana Cooper

The Keys to the Universe, Diana Cooper & Kathy Crosswell

The books are available via Diana’s website www.dianacooper.com

Lemurian Planetary Healing Course Content

The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module (20 hours)

  • Gives you the expertise and skills to facilitate a group or workshop in a professional manner
  • Empowers you with the confidence to organise and run workshops
  • Enables you to help and support both groups and individual clients
  • Gives you a comprehensive framework for delivering workshops

Personal development and preparation

  • On being yourself
  • Personal preparation to become a teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Voice and communication skills

Learning and teaching skills

  • Preparation to teach and manage workshops
  • Presentation skills
  • Training aids
  • Learning skills
  • Memory
  • Group energy and listening
  • Managing disruptive behaviour

Creating a safe environment

  • The teacher and the teaching space
  • Confidentiality and safe sharing
  • Grounding
  • Attunement
  • Protection
  • Processing

Preparing meditations and visualisations

  • What are meditations and visualisations?
  • Leading a group visualisation
  • Opening and closing group sessions

Setting up activities

  • Drawing symbols and pictures
  • Ritual and ceremony

The twelve chakra system

  • Information about the 12 Chakra System
  • Visualisation to activate and integrate the 12 Chakras with sacred sound/geometry
  • Exercises to activate and integrate the twelve chakras

Preparing and running workshops

  • Insurance
  • Administration for a workshop
  • Peer support
  • Preparing a workshop programme


  • Practising the 12 Chakra activation visualisation
  • Prepare a short visualisation to present to the group
  • Prepare a short exercise to present to the group

Lemurian Planetary Healing Course Content (13 hours)

This module can only be taken when The Diana Cooper Teacher Training Module has been
successfully completed.

This module will:

  • Enable you to lead groups in Lemurian Planetary Healing sessions
  • Show you how to connect with the Lemurian Healing energy for your own benefit and for
  • Empower you with the confidence to speak about Lemuria and the powerful healing in
    front of others
  • Give you a variety of activities and visualisations to use to enhance your healing

Module content:

  • The Background of the Golden Ages and The Lemurians
  • Information on crystals, their care and some crystal interactions
  • Lemurian crystals, including the importance of leaving them within the Earth
  • The Lemurians’ purpose and other higher help
    • Mother Mary
    • The Cosmic Heart
    • Unicorns
    • Visualisations to Connect to the Cosmic Heart and to connect with the Unicorns
  • The Lemurian Healing
    • Who can do Lemurian Healing with an activity to prepare for healing
    • Lemurian Planetary healing using crystals within the Earth
    • Lemurian Planetary healing with the use of crystals in your possession
    • Lemurian self-healing
  • Additional visualisations and activities for workshops
  • Practical ways of helping the planet
  • The effect of Lemurian healing
    • On countries – Africa, Australia, The Great Crystal of Lemuria
  • Grounding the energy of Lemuria – Aborigines, Humming Birds, Migratory Birds, the Reptile

Course Work and Home study

You will be required to complete the following

  • Share in leading the Lemurian Planetary Healing sessions and visualisations
  • A piece of written work on Lemurian Planetary Healing of 1,000 words
  • Prepare a one-day Lemurian Planetary Healing Workshop programme

Your Master Teacher will present you with a comprehensive manual, so the emphasis of the
training will be on practising the skills, gaining confidence and empowerment. The manual
contains a wealth of activities and visualisations to enable you to create varied workshops to
suit the need of your participants.

Qualifying as a Lemurian Planetary Healing Teacher

To be awarded a Teaching Certificate from The Diana Cooper School of White Light, you must successfully complete both The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module and the Lemurian Planetary Healing Module, including the written work. This will enable you to say that you are a qualified Lemurian Planetary Healing Teacher with The Diana Cooper School of White Light on your advertising literature.

Course Costs

The Lemurian Planetary Healing Training Programme in person is five days (33 teaching hours) or 10 online sessions of 2 hrs each. The cost is £660 and can either be paid in full or in instalments as agreed with your Master Teacher. These costs do not include accommodation, food or travel.

Please note that it is only necessary to complete The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module once. If you already hold a teacher’s certificate, then it is 2 days in person or 4 online sessions, and the cost is £264.

Lemurian Planetary Healing Master Teachers

Please reach out to any of our Master Teachers to discuss training.