True Angel Stories

777 Angel Stories

“And then time seemed to slow down, the wheel was taken out of my hand and the car moved aside as if by itself… with the big lorry passing me by at a hair’s breadth.”

How many of us have encountered a situation like this, where some unexplained force helped steer us away from danger and supported us in a difficult situation? In this inspirational book of true angel stories Diana Cooper, her teachers from the Diana Cooper School of White Light and others have shared their personal experiences of the angelic powers: You will find yourself gasping in awe at some accounts, shaking your head in wonder at others and nodding as you read the simplicity of many of them. Exercises and visualizations will open you up even further to the wonders of the angelic realms. Touching, uplifting, at times funny, every page is full of reminders about how the angels can transform your life – every single day, if you ask them to.

For further information:

Diana Cooper’s Amazon store


Angel stories on YouTube

Several stories read by Diana Cooper, Elizabeth Ann Morris and Jillian Stott on our YouTube Channel

Stories in German:
Büroarbeit/Hilfe durch die Engel
Liebe von Mutter Maria

German Titel and Cover:

777 Angel Stories