Dragon Teacher Training

We live in a fantastic universe, and we are truly blessed that the dragons have come back to support us in high numbers. Dragon portals have opened in Andorra and Honolulu, where they arrive. These wonderful beings gather in huge numbers at the etheric retreats of Master Abraham in Calcutta and Quan Yin along the Silk Road in China. They come in various sizes and shapes and with most spectacular coloured energy fields.

Dragons are elementals and do not have all elements. They have one or a combination of any three of them. They belong to the angelic realms and serve the planet with great joy and wisdom. Dragons reside between the 4th and the 9th dimensions and operate on different vibrational frequencies. Their hearts are open, and they love this planet and all beings on it with all their might. They are here to assist us through the significant shift that we are experiencing at the moment.

Message from Diana

“Dragons are powerful and wise beings who belong to the angelic realms. Many of these creatures of earth, air, fire or water have stayed with us for aeons, quietly helping us in many ways. It is wonderful that the higher frequency dragons are now pouring in to help our journey to ascension. At the same time, the galactic dragons are returning to connect us to the wisdom of the universe. We live in awesome times of shifting consciousness, and you are much needed as a dragon teacher to help birth the New Golden Age. You may be a Dragon Master already. If not, this training course will enable you to become one. As a dragon teacher of the Diana Cooper School of White Light, much will be expected of you, and in return, you will receive many blessings from the gracious dragons. May the dragons inspire and protect you as you spread their love and wisdom.”

Course Aim

  • Provide basic knowledge about dragons.
  • Open up for a first connection with the dragons and working with them.
  • Encourage conscious and respectful interaction with them and the expression of
    appreciation and gratitude for their service.
  • Get to know the five Golden Ages and the roles the dragons had in each of them.
  • Learn about the different dimensions and get to know the dragons from the fourth, fifth,
    seventh and ninth dimensions.
  • Learn about the basic qualities of the four elements and work with the fourth-dimensional
    dragons of the four elements and the fourth-dimensional dragons of the mixed elements.
  • Open your mind to the new possibilities that working with dragons will bring you.
  • Learn how to activate and expand your twelve fifth-dimensional chakras with the dragons.
  • Get to know your personal dragon and see him as a friend and companion.
  • Get acquainted with the galactic dragons.
  • Learn about the ley line system of our planet in the third, fifth and seventh dimensions and
    work at clearing it with the dragons.
  • Learn how to remove the Veils of Illusion with the dragons
  • Learn how to work with dragons to heal different areas in your life.
  • Work with the dragons to build your crystalline light body and your Antakarana bridge.
  • Become acquainted with the dragon masters and become a dragon master if you wish to do

Prior Knowledge/Experience

The main requirement is a desire from the heart to connect with the dragons and help others to do the same.

The Diana Cooper School of White Light honours and recognises that everybody has their own individual skills, desires, knowledge and potential. Our wish is to help you take your light out into the World and share it through running workshops and group sessions.

You are expected to be mentally and emotionally stable and responsible for your own actions and behaviours at all times.

The application form helps us assess our potential teachers’ suitability; therefore, the information you provide must be as comprehensive as possible.

Recommended Pre-Course Reading

Dragons, Your Celestial Guardians, Diana Cooper, Hay House
The book is by Diana Cooper and available via her website www.dianacooper.com

Dragon Teacher Training Course Content (40 hours)

The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module (20 hours)

  • Gives you the expertise and skills to facilitate a group or workshop in a professional manner
  • Empowers you with the confidence to organise and run workshops
  • Enables you to help and support both groups and individual clients
  • Gives you a comprehensive framework for delivering workshops

Personal development and preparation

  • On being yourself
  • Personal preparation to become a teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Voice and communication skills

Learning and teaching skills

  • Preparation to teach and manage workshops
  • Presentation skills
  • Training aids
  • Learning skills
  • Memory
  • Group energy and listening
  • Managing disruptive behaviour

Creating a safe environment

  • The teacher and the teaching space
  • Confidentiality and safe sharing
  • Grounding
  • Attunement
  • Protection
  • Processing

Preparing meditations and visualisations

  • What are meditations and visualisations?
  • Leading a group visualisation
  • Opening and closing group sessions

Setting up activities

  • Drawing symbols and pictures
  • Ritual and ceremony

The twelve chakra system

  • Information about the 12 Chakra System
  • Visualisation to activate and integrate the 12 Chakras with sacred sound/geometry
  • Exercises to activate and integrate the twelve chakras

Preparing and running workshops

  • Insurance
  • Administration for a workshop
  • Peer support
  • Preparing a workshop programme


  • Practising the 12 Chakra activation visualisation
  • Prepare a short visualisation to present to the group
  • Prepare a short exercise to present to the group

Dragon Module (20 hours)

You can only take this module when you have successfully completed the Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module.

This module will

  • Enable you to lead your own dragon workshops
  • Show you how to connect with the dragons
  • Empower you with the confidence to speak about dragons in front of others
  • Give you a variety of activities and visualisations to use to enhance your workshops

Module content

  • What are dragons?
  • The dragons and the golden ages
  • The dragons and the dimensions
  • The dragons and the four elements
  • Expanding your twelve chakras with the dragons
  • Your personal dragon
  • The seventh-dimensional galactic dragons
  • The Christ light and the dragons
  • The ley lines and the dragons
  • Clearing with the dragons
  • Dissolving the Veils of Amnesia and Illusion with the dragons
  • Increase your frequency and joy with the dragons
  • Healing with the dragons
  • Building the crystalline body and the Antakarana with the dragons
  • Balancing the masculine and feminine energies
  • Learning in a different way
  • Dragon masters
  • Making a dragon aura spray
  • Dragon oracle card reading
  • A dragon ceremony

Course Work and Home Study

You will be required to complete the following:

  • Prepare a short dragon meditation to present to the group
  • Create a short dragon exercise to present to the group
  • A piece of written work on dragons of 1000 words

Your Master Teacher will present you with a comprehensive manual, so the emphasis of the training will be on practising the skills, gaining confidence and empowerment. The manual contains a wealth of activities and visualisations to enable you to create varied workshops to suit the need of your participants.

Qualifying as a Dragon Teacher

To be awarded a Teaching Certificate from The Diana Cooper School of White Light, you must successfully complete both The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module and the Dragon Module, including the dragon written work. This will enable you to say that you are a qualified Dragon Teacher with The Diana Cooper School of White Light on your advertising literature.

Dragon Course Costs

The Dragon Teacher Training Programme in person is six days (40 teaching hours) or 12 online sessions of 2 hrs each. The cost is £792 and can either be paid in full or in instalments as agreed with your Master Teacher. These costs do not include accommodation, food or travel.

Please note that it is only necessary to complete The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module once. If you already hold a teacher’s certificate, then it is 3 days in person or 6 online sessions, and the cost is £396.

Dragon Master Teachers

Please reach out to any of our Master Teachers to discuss training.