Golden Future Teacher Training

Our planet is going through a shift in consciousness, and the period up to 2032 is the most important that there has ever been on the planet because a new 5th-dimensional Golden Age is imminent. You have come to Earth on an expedition equipped with a physical body connected to your emotional and mental bodies that give you feedback, and you have a support team of higher beings that assists you on this mission.

If you are incarnated now, part of your life’s purpose is to help shift the planet into the golden future, a time of peace, love, happiness, sharing, caring and togetherness supported by incredible spiritual technology. In the new Golden Age, we will have pure water, healthy food and free eco-power readily available, and the world, as you know it, will change beyond recognition. Right now is the time to bring Heaven to Earth, and Earth to Heaven, and this course will teach you how.

Message from Diana Cooper

“We are living in the most important time that there has ever been in the history of this planet as we ascend rapidly into a fifth-dimensional era. We are preparing for a golden future of heart-centred community living and personal and planetary healing, assisted and powered by incredible physical and spiritual technology. As light workers and teachers of the Diana Cooper school, it is our mission to hold the vision of the golden future and be the examples that live it.”

Course Aim

  • Understand why you are incarnated on Earth at this time and the incredible support you have from your Angels and other guides.
  • Comprehend what is happening right now and the importance of focusing on the positive.
  • Learn about the awesome happenings by 2032 and some of the incredible energies we will be able to access.
  • Learn about the 6 cosmic pyramids and their influence on the world.
  • Learn about the 13 Atlantean Crystal Skulls and their influence on the world.
  • Understand that as a 5th-dimensional being, you will attract incredible abundance to you.
  • Understand that as a 5th-dimensional being, you do not need to own anything.
  • Understand that money will cease to be relevant because spiritual technology will provide for all. Learn about the type of business that will thrive in the golden future.
  • Understand the importance of drawing out a child’s soul gifts.
  • Learn about shifting from a carbon to a crystalline body and brain.
  • Understand the pleasure of personal expression and living with your soul family.
  • Learn about empowering heart-to-heart relationships that enhance positive qualities.
  • Understand that parenting a child is one of the greatest spiritual responsibilities.
  • Understand that with spiritual technology, you can enjoy comfortable clothes and pure crystal water and have so much more time for your family, friends and leisure.
  • Understand the connection between karma and our health and how new healing methods and welcoming healing centres will revolutionise our golden future.
  • Understand how comfortably we will live in our ecological golden future homes and communities.
  • Bring into our consciousness the incredible possibilities we have for travel in the golden future.
  • Learn about different forms of 7th-dimensional protection.
    Understand the importance of connecting now with your mighty I AM Presence.
  • Get acquainted with several I AM decrees.
  • Gain an understanding of the awesome gifts we will have in the golden future.
  • Understand the importance of mastering all chakra lessons to integrate your master blueprint and activate your gifts in preparation for the fifth dimension.
  • Relax and experience the sixth- or seventh-dimensional chakra colours.
  • Learn about the rainbow path to higher ascension and the seven places that accommodate Commander Ashtar’s mothership.
  • Learn to work with the incredibly powerful triple Ascension Flames.
  • Become acquainted with the Monadic Merge meditation.
  • Get to know the members of the Intergalactic Council and learn about their roles.
  • Discover who is on the Council of Earth and what their role is.

Prior Knowledge/Experience

The main requirement is a desire from the heart to help the planet and humanity ascend into the golden future. The Diana Cooper School of White Light honours and recognises that everybody has their own individual skills, desires, knowledge and potential. We wish to help you take your light out into the world and share it through workshops and group sessions. You are expected to be mentally and emotionally stable and responsible for your actions and behaviours at all times. The application form helps us assess our potential teachers’ suitability, and therefore, the information you provide must be as comprehensive as possible.

Recommended Pre-Course Reading

The Golden Future, Diana Cooper, Hay House 2023
The book is by Diana Cooper and available via her website

Golden Future Teacher Training Course Content (60 hours)

The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module (20 hours)

  • Gives you the expertise and skills to facilitate a group or workshop in a professional manner
  • Empowers you with the confidence to organise and run workshops
  • Enables you to help and support both groups and individual clients
  • Gives you a comprehensive framework for delivering workshops

Personal development and preperation

  • On being yourself
  • Personal preparation to become a teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Voice and communication skills

Learning and teaching skills

  • Preparation to teach and manage workshops
  • Presentation skills
  • Training aids
  • Learning skills
  • Memory
  • Group energy and listening
  • Managing disruptive behaviour

Creating a safe environment

  • The teacher and the teaching space
  • Confidentiality and safe sharing
  • Grounding
  • Attunement
  • Protection
  • Processing

Preparing meditations and visualisations

  • What are meditations and visualisations?
  • Leading a group visualisation
  • Opening and closing group sessions

Setting up activities

  • Drawing symbols and pictures
  • Ritual and ceremony

The twelve chakra system

  • Information about the 12 Chakra System
  • Visualisation to activate and integrate the 12 Chakras with sacred sound/geometry
  • Exercises to activate and integrate the twelve chakras

Preparing and running workshops

  • Insurance
  • Administration for a workshop
  • Peer support
  • Preparing a workshop programme


  • Practising the 12 Chakra activation visualisation
  • Prepare a short visualisation to present to the group
  • Prepare a short exercise to present to the group

Golden Future Module (40 hours)

You can only take this module when you have successfully completed the Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module.

This module will

  • Enable you to lead your own golden future workshops
  • Empower you with the confidence to speak about the golden future in front of others
  • Give you a variety of activities and visualisations to use to enhance your workshops

Module content

  • Your journey into the golden future
  • Your Earth mission and support team
  • What is happening on Earth right now and in the Universe
  • The influence of the six cosmic pyramids and the 13 Atlantean crystal skull
  • Cosmic happenings in 2032
  • Life in the new Golden Age
  • Abundance and Ownership
  • The crystalline brain structure
  • Golden communities and leisure
  • Golden future homes and clothes
  • Houses and golden cities
  • Higher frequency protection
  • Your mighty I AM
  • High-frequency GAPI
  • Your psychic gifts, talents and powers
  • The chakra lessons
  • The sixth- and seventh-dimensional chakras
  • The rainbow path and Commander Ashtar
  • Triple Ascension Flames
  • The Monadic Merge
  • The Intergalactic Council
  • The Council of Earth

Course Work and Home Study

You will be required to complete the following:

  • Prepare two short golden future meditations to present to the group
  • Create two short golden future exercises to present to the group
  • A piece of written work on the golden future of 2000 words

Your Master Teacher will present you with a comprehensive manual, so the emphasis of the training will be on practising the skills, gaining confidence and empowerment. The manual contains a wealth of activities and visualisations to enable you to create varied workshops to suit the needs of your participants.

Qualifying as a Golden Future Teacher

To be awarded a Teaching Certificate from The Diana Cooper School of White Light, you must successfully complete both The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module and the Golden Future Module, including Golden Future written work. This will enable you to say that you are a qualified Golden Future teacher with The Diana Cooper School of White Light on your advertising literature.

Golden Future Course Costs

The Golden Future Teacher Training Programme in person is 9 days (60 teaching hours) or 18 online sessions of 2 hrs each. The cost is £1188 and can either be paid in full or in instalments as agreed upon with your Master Teacher. These costs do not include accommodation, food or travel.

Please note that it is only necessary to complete The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module once. If you already hold a teacher’s certificate, then it is 6 days in person or 12 online sessions, and the cost is £792.

Golden Future Master Teachers