Golden Atlantis Teacher Training

The Golden Age of Atlantis was an extraordinary time when the spiritual energy was the highest it has ever been in the history of our planet. It was the nearest to Heaven on Earth that we have had the opportunity to experience. People glowed with light and happiness; lived joyously in total harmony with each other and nature. They developed amazing spiritual, psychic and technological powers and had a clear connection with the Divine. The Golden Atlantis Teacher Training Programme is based on Diana Cooper’s highly successful book ‘Discover Atlantis’.

Message from Diana Cooper

“At last, the time is right for the energy, wisdom and healing techniques of Golden Atlantis to return, and the Angels of Atlantis have asked us to spread this knowledge through our School of White Light. There is much exciting and important work ahead, and your unique light is needed. I invite you to join the Golden Atlantis Training Course, where we will cooperate as a team to take the sacred information into the world.”

Course Aim

This teacher training course will empower you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to develop and run your own Golden Atlantis Workshops and Programmes in your own creative way.

Golden Atlantis Background and Philosophy

Diana developed this teacher training programme with the help of Master Teachers from the School. It is based on her book Discover Atlantis.
Golden Atlantis was a period in history where people:

  • Lived in total harmony with each other and nature
  • Maintained their connection with the Divine
  • Developed amazing spiritual, psychic and technological powers

The purpose of Diana’s book and this Teacher Training Programme is to bring wisdom, power and enlightenment into your life and the lives of others.

Personal Benefits

The course will enable you to:

  • Open your heart and live in the fifth-dimensional energies of love, joy and harmony
  • Bring forward the new energies that entered the planet in 2012
  • Have a greater understanding of Golden Atlantis and how people lived
  • Expand your light body
  • Develop your natural psychic abilities
  • Fulfil your life’s mission
  • Develop the confidence to share your skills with others

Teaching Outcomes

This course will enable you to

  • Lead your own Golden Atlantis Workshops
  • Create and manage a safe teaching and learning environment
  • Develop and use a broad range of spiritual teachings and activities
  • Tailor programmes and activities to suit the specific needs of groups and individuals
  • Relate the wisdom and knowledge of Golden Atlantis to the experiences of your own
  • Honour and develop your own unique learning and teaching style
  • Register and become a Professional Member of The Diana Cooper School of White Light

Prior Knowledge/Experience

The Diana Cooper School of White Light honours and recognises the potential within everyone; therefore, all applications will be considered on merit.

You are expected to be mentally and emotionally stable and be responsible for your own actions and behaviours at all times.

The application form helps us to assess the suitability of our potential teachers; therefore, the information you provide must be as comprehensive as possible.

Recommended Pre-Course Reading

  • Discover Atlantis
  • A New Light on Ascension
  • A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws
  • Angel Inspiration

All books are by Diana Cooper and are available via her website

Pre-Course Preparation – Daily Exercises

  • 11-minute heart meditation
  • 12 Chakra Rainbow Breath
  • A record of your experiences of the above exercises

Note: If you are doing in-person training, your Master teacher will send you information on the above, and you should start the exercises 21 days before you commence the course. Late applicants are expected to complete as much as they can. If you are training online over a period of time, you can do them during the course.

Golden Atlantis Course Content

The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module (20 hours)

This module will:

  • Give you the expertise and skills to facilitate a group or workshop in a professional manner
  • Empower you with the confidence to organise and run workshops
  • Enable you to help and support both groups and individual clients
  • Give you a comprehensive framework for delivering workshops

Personal development and preparation

  • On being yourself
  • Personal preparation to become a teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Voice and communication skills

Learning and teaching skills

  • Preparation to teach and manage workshops
  • Presentation skills
  • Training aids
  • Learning skills
  • Memory
  • Group energy and listening
  • Managing disruptive behaviour

Creating a safe environment

  • The teacher and the teaching space
  • Confidentiality and safe sharing
  • Grounding
  • Attunement
  • Protection
  • Processing

Preparing meditations and visualisations

  • What are meditations and visualisations?
  • Leading a group visualisation
  • Opening and closing group sessions

Setting up activities

  • Drawing symbols and pictures
  • Ritual and ceremony

The twelve chakra system

  • Information about the 12 Chakra System
  • Visualisation to activate and integrate the 12 Chakras with sacred sound/geometry
  • Exercises to activate and integrate the 12 Chakras

Preparing and running workshops

  • Insurance
  • Administration for a workshop
  • Peer support
  • Preparing a workshop programme


  • Practising the 12 Chakra activation visualisation
  • Prepare a short visualisation to present to the group
  • Prepare a short exercise to present to the group

Golden Atlantis Module (40 teaching hours)

Please note that this module can only be taken when The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module has been successfully completed

Module Content
2012 – its importance and your role

  • Prophecies about 2012
  • The assistance we were offered as we approached 2012
  • What is happening since the Cosmic Moment in December 2012
  • Your role in the plan
  • Exercises to help yourself after the Cosmic Moment

History and Society in Atlantis

  • The establishment of Atlantis, its location, temples, sphinx etc
  • Society in Atlantean times including marriage, family life, creativity, connection with
  • The 12 tribes and associated leaders
  • Exercises to help bring Atlantean spirituality into your daily life
  • How Atlanteans maintained their purity
  • Exercises to help you maintain your purity
  • Exercises for self-nurturing and connecting with nature

The 12 Chakra System

  • Cleansing and strengthening the 12 Chakras

High Priests and Priestesses

  • Details of the 12 original High Priests and Priestesses e.g. Thoth, Sett etc. Their training, roles and powers
  • Exercises and visualisations to connect with these beings of light
  • Manifestation visualisation with the High Priests and Priestesses

Healing in Atlantis

  • Temples of healing, sound, light, colour and crystals
  • Healing with the Angels of Atlantis
  • Basic crystal healing

Psychic and Spiritual Gifts

  • Exercises to enhance your telepathy, aura reading, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience
  • Introduction to psychometry
  • Exercises to improve your mind control

Atlantis Card Readings

  • Introduction to oracle card reading – for yourself and others

Your Original Spiritual Blueprint

  • 12 strands of DNA and their activation
  • Powerful visualisations to release fears and to bring calm
  • Visualisations to clear past patterning
  • Your soul’s lesson – from sun signs and numerology

Atlantean Crystal Use

  • The Great Crystal of Atlantis
  • The Crystal Skulls
  • Healing exercises with crystals
  • Visualisations with a crystal

Angels of Atlantis, Unicorns and Dolphins

  • Background information
  • Visualisation to meet the Unicorns and Dolphins


  • Celebration of Golden Atlantis

You will be presented with a comprehensive manual, so the emphasis of the training will be on
practising the skills, gaining confidence and empowerment.

Course Work and Home study

You will be required to complete the following

  • Prepare a short Golden Atlantis meditation to present to the group
  • Create a short Golden Atlantis exercise to present to the group
  • Prepare a one day Golden Atlantis Workshop programme
  • Submit a piece of written work based on the following guidelines:

Journal Guidelines

You will be required to keep a journal or record of your own reflections and experiences as a participant on the course. As a guide, this should be approximately 2000 words, and the content of the journal should include the following:

  • Your expectations about the course and what you hope to achieve
  • Your aspirations for the future
  • The impact the exercises had on you and why
  • Your own personal perceptions of Atlantis
  • Any issues/blocks you experience during the course and how to deal with them
  • Your key learning points

Qualifying as a Golden Atlantis Teacher

To be awarded a Teaching Certificate from The Diana Cooper School of White Light, you must successfully complete both The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module and the Golden Atlantis Module, including written work. This will enable you to say that you are a qualified Golden Atlantis Teacher with The Diana Cooper School of White Light on your advertising literature.

The Golden Atlantis Teacher Training consists of nine days – 60 teaching hours. The first three days consist of The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module, which is a core element of all of The Diana Cooper School of White Light’s Teaching Courses.

Course Costs

The Golden Atlantis Teacher Training Programme in person is nine days (60 teaching hours) or 18 online sessions of 2 hrs each. The cost is £1188 and can either be paid in full or in instalments as agreed with your Master Teacher. These costs do not include accommodation, food or travel.

Please note that it is only necessary to complete The Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher Training Module once. If you already hold a teacher’s certificate, then it is 6 days in person or 12 online sessions, and the cost is £792.

Golden Atlantis Master Teachers

Please reach out to any of our Master Teachers to discuss training.