I am very excitedly looking forward to Diana’s new Archangels Oracle Cards that release on 9th March 2021. You can access the preview on Diana’s website www.dianacooper.com

Archangel Raziel shows up. He is known as the keeper of secrets. He is helping you access new creative ideas and spiritual insights. He also helps with understanding sacred geometry and sacred mysteries of the Universe. He helps you anchor abundance and enlightenment. If you have been wondering about furthering your spiritual development or becoming a spiritual teacher/student, go for it.

Raziel also helps us deepen our faith and connect with our own inner wisdom. If you have any creative ideas that seem exciting, follow up on them, as they are divinely inspired.

Prayer to Archangel Raziel

Dear Archangel Raziel

Please help me access my inner wisdom and true potential and express it into the world for the highest good. Help me work on my creative ideas and expand my abundance and prosperity. Help me learn and teach so I may be of service and a channel for the divine in this world and beyond.

Thank you


Abundant Angel Blessings
