with Lord Buddha Quan Yin

This Supermoon is known in the American Indian tradition as the Hunter’s Moon, being the time when food was collected to be stored for the winter months. It is an auspicious time for us to assess our achievements over the last year, in preparation for the new year.

Before you begin your meditation, write down or mentally list all your fears.

This may be related to your health, relationships, finances etc.

Offer these fears to the Moon God by saying. “Dear Moon God I sacrifice these fears to you, please take them and transmute them into Love. Thank you, dear Moon God for transmuting these energies”.

Now invoke Lord St. Germain to send Gold and Silver Violet light to you, to further transmute any remaining stubborn feelings and emotional energies. Feel the Gold and Silver violet light moving around inside you transmuting these energies.


Close your eyes, take three deep breaths and bring your awareness

to your feet. Focus on the soles of your feet and the roots going down from your feet deeper and deeper, becoming stronger and stronger, until they reach the big white crystal in the centre of the earth. Your roots are coiling around the crystal.

White healing light is coming up your roots, through you earth star chakra, through your base chakra, your sacral chakra, naval chakra, solar plexus, and moving up to your heart chakra. From your heart chakra the white light is spreading into your entire aura, and further healing the fears.

Be aware that you are attuned to Source, the Supreme Being.

Rainbow light is coming down from Source, passing through ascended masters, healing angels, and beings of light. This light is entering your stellar gateway chakra, your soul star, causal, crown, and third eye, going down to your throat and heart chakras. This rainbow light is further healing any stuck low vibrational energies, and merging with the white light from earth and spreading into your entire aura.

Invoke Archangel Michael for his blue shield of protection to protect you.

Invoke the Christ Krishna light in the form of golden white light so that during the meditation only that, and the Christ Light, may enter your aura.

Invoke Lord Buddha Quan Yin for her presence bringing the blessings of Unconditional Love to flow into your being.

Invoke your guardian angel, unicorns and dragons to be with you on this journey.

Holding the hand of your Guardian Angel, with your unicorns and dragons you are traveling to the top of a mountain. It is night time. As you reach the mountain you experience that you are very close to stars and the Moon. Today, the moon is shining a dazzling pink white light and each star is shining brightly.

Also, you notice that there is beautiful velvety green grass on which you are standing. This grass invites you to sit. As you sit and take deep breaths, you experience the presence of Angels around you.

Stars and the moon are showering the blessings of wisdom over you. The shine on your face is magnifying and there is a beautiful smile on your face in this mesmerizing nature. Now you realise that it is the time to chant.


(7 times slowly).

– After the chant you connect deep within and suddenly you feel the presence of violet pink light. In that light you see the Buddha Quan Yin appearing. She is sitting on a dragon.

With her presence you feel safe and sound. The air is filled with love and every particle of air is sharing lots of joys, and happiness with her arrival.

Quan Yin gently calls you by your name, saying, “Dear ……………, what is it you want? What is the purpose of calling me?”

You share that you want to experience and live the life of Unconditional Love. You want to experience all the beauties of the earth, to give and receive love in balance. You want to live as love of Mother Earth, love of all beings on earth, love from the heavens.

She smiles and says, “so be it”. She asks you to repeat the affirmation

“I let go of all the past hurts and pains, I let go of the past and I am ready for the love which is waiting for me”. (3 times).

After saying the affirmation, you experience violet pink light spreading into your cells, organs, body parts, joints, muscles, chakras, emotions, thoughts, and in your entire being. Be still and experience this love energy inside you and all around you. (If time, be silent for 5 minutes).

Quan Yin’s dragon reminds you that whenever you feel stuck with low vibratory energies, repeat the above affirmation in order to move on.

Quan Yin also tells you to share this love with everyone. Now you can say your words of gratitude and love to Quan Yin. (Pause).

In a flash of a second she disappears with pink violet light. Now you say –

I share lots of love with my family

Lots of love to my work and the people I work with

Lots of love to the land I live on

Lots of love to my city

Lots of love to my country

Lots of love to the whole world

Lots of love to the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the nature kingdom, the bird kingdom, the animal kingdom and all the humans.

Once again you notice the stars, the moon, and the air in that place. You feel transformed and there is lots of love, joy, and happiness inside. You are smiling and happy as a new you.

Holding the hand of your guardian angel you come back to where you started. Come back fully to your body, move your fingers and toes.

Bring you aura in to the size you are comfortable with.

Your chakras are radiating love all around.

Focus on the soles of your feet, keeping you deeply rooted and connected to earth.

Express your gratitude to God, Quan Yin. Your guardian angel, unicorn, and dragon.

Give thanks for the protection from Archangel Michael and the Christ Krishna Light.

Slowly open your eyes with a smile. Share your experience. (If on your own and you have time, in writing).