A loving request from Master Pan
by Melinda/Elisabeth White Rose
Help the beautiful Fauns to return to our forests. Welcome them with Love and Gratitude
Dear all,
I would like to share with you a beautiful and deeply touching experience in the hope that if you are yourself a Nature Lightworker, you will help fulfill Mighty Pan’s request.
I was participating in a Zoom workshop together with Franziska Siragusa about the Elemental Realm. Days before the event, while walking in the forest, I felt the joy and excitement of the Elemental Realm. On the evening of the Zoom event, while opening up for the event, I felt the presence of many elementals! They were thrilled to be able to reconnect with humans.
Two days after, during a beautiful visualization, I have traveled with the Green and orange Dragons from Sirius to visit the Temple of Nature to participate in the teachings about our magical natural world. I saw the magnificent temple, and I settled with my class in the beautiful courtyard, surrounded by beautiful columns and unique plants. I set together with many other humans and beings from other planets and probably universes, who looked very different from us.
We sat in a circle, our teacher, a beautiful Light Being set next to us, and in the ring inside a holograph, we received the teaching material.
First, we saw a beautiful, old tree, which taught us about the tree beings’ wisdom, love, and healing energies. Then, a crystal appeared a beautiful, pink, round crystal, and taught us about the love and profound wisdom of the crystal beings and how we can connect to these for our and our planet’s favor.
Then we saw a picture of vast water bodies, and we were informed about how important water is, how we can heal everything with water, and how we can send healing to the waters.
Then Master Pan appeared in the bluish holograph. He looked magnificent, in all shades of green, a beautiful and powerful being. First, he looked like a young, handsome, and mighty man, then changed into pure light, then changed back into human form. He greeted us all with so much love and explained how Nature needs our attention, healing, and gratitude.
Then the most beautiful Faun appeared next to him. Pan told us that Fauns are his most loyal and loving companions, who dearly love Nature and the forests. With their gentle and wise personality, they were loved by all flora and fauna, animals, insects, and birds.
Fauns were also loving companions to humans, they walked the forests together, and humans had so much to learn from them.
But then, the times started to change, and the disconnection and the greed of the human race, how they began to see all Nature and sentient beings as their inferior, was felt more and more by all beings.
Then, the Fauns approached their bellowed Pan and asked him to help them withdraw into the depth of Gaia, deep into Hollow Earth, as they could not bear seeing what was happening, and they knew that was just the beginning of things.
And their request was granted. With heavy hearts, they left their beloved forests and disappeared, becoming the theme of legends.
However, times are changing now, the energy is rising, and these loving nature spirits are ready to return and participate.
I met with a faun in my garden a year ago, and since I can sense them in the forest, I am often walking. I always send to the Fauns and all other elementals my love and deep gratitude.
And that is also the request of Mighty Pan: to please spread the world of welcoming back the beautiful friends of the forests, the sweet and wise Fauns.
To send them our love and gratitude, so their return can be a happy and confident come-back, and they can take their place in Nature and do their valuable job of raising the energy and spreading their wisdom.
Pan also mentioned that the Fauns are ready to share their knowledge with us, Nature Lightworkers if we befriend them. Then they will trust us, so we can work together again to beautify, joy, and deep love for the Nature Kingdom.
So please do that, dear one:
- Go out into the forest, ground, and center yourself
- Open your heart to the Oneness of Nature.
- Call in Mighty Pan.
- Send your love and deep gratitude to all elementals of the forest, including the beautiful Fauns.
- Tell the Fauns that we are delighted to welcome them back, we need their help, and we love them deeply and are so grateful for their return.
We need the help of the Fauns and all the other beautiful elementals in these times of change. Let’s work together so beauty and magic return to our forests, wherever in the world we are living.
In Love and Light,
By Melinda Elisabeth White Rose
Founder of Sevenrainbows.one
Lightworker and Nature Empath.
Spiritual Teacher at the Diana Cooper School of White Light.
Author of the book “Sacred Connection With Trees”.
During the December Planetary Healing we will send Love, Light, and Gratitude to the Elemental Kingdon, please join in: https://sevenrainbows.one/planetary-healing. We are also planning to contribute with a ceremony dedicated to the Elemental Kingdom, on the 21st of December 2021, if you are interested please get in touch with me.