2024 Monadic Merge Meditation for our School
By Diana Cooper
Take a deep breath….. center yourself….relax…….now send gold and silver roots from your Earth Star chakra down into the pink crystalline heart of Lady Gaia.
Invoke Earth, air, fire, and water dragons to clear the energy around you for 1 mile.
Lord Voosloo in bright yellow overlights you and enables you to jump shift to a higher frequency and envision what this is like.
St Germain places his fully activated pillar of gold/violet light over you bringing you into harmony and clarity. feel this.
Merlin blazes his electric blue fire through you to activate you with the power of magic with the wisdom to use it for the hg only.
Paul the Venetian places his pure white Flame of Freedom over you, and activates it
Commander Ashtar places his fully activated silver ball with the Codes of Cosmic and Angelic Expansion over you.
El Morya, the Manu, steps right into you and transfers the codes of the Manu, then ignites the light codes for your fully activated 12 strands of DNA. see yourself and your life fully activated.
Lady Nada places a magenta six-pointed star in your third eye and activates it to help you to dissolve your ego.
Jesus in white holds your hands with love & illuminates your thoughts, words, and actions with love. Notice how you think speak and act.
Ask these masters to remain with you day and night on your spiritual journey.
Archangels now activate their qualities at an upper 5D fr within you
Archangel Michael in deep blue enfolds you in his protective wings – feel them – and activates courage, strength, truth, and integrity.
Archangel Uriel in gold /ruby light envelops you – and activates power with wisdom, selflessness & gratitude.
Archangel Gabriel in pure dazzling white enfolds you in his feathery wings of light. then balances your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, & activates joy, and oneness.
Archangel Raphael holds you in glorious emerald green light & builds your 5D healthy body, visualise yourself in 5D healthy vital and glowing body. Then he starts to establish your 7D health blueprint – He activates ab consciousness, enlightenment, and vision.
Archangel Sandalphon surrounds you in shimmering platinum silver light, connects you deep into Earth, and activates your highest pot for this life. ask him to show you your highest pot.
Archangel Chamuel in beautiful pink light enters your heart center & activates love, compassion, kindness, and caring.
Archangel Jophiel in pale yellow gold illuminates you, and then activates cosmic connections, cosmic understandings, and cosmic wisdom.
Archangel Christiel in shimmering white activates peace, serenity, and harmlessness and the highest angel connection
ask Archangel Zadkiel now to travel through all the timelines of your monad and soul in this universe and others with his Violet Flame and transmute all energies lower than 5D
Archangel Mariel Lights up in magenta pink light the timelines of your monadic and soul journeys to the beginning and brings forward and activates everything that helps your monadic merge
Archangel Metatron illuminates you in his blazing golden-orange light. he places his glorious orange cloak of higher ascension over you.
Angel Mary wraps you in her blue light, activates love and good at a cellular level, and holds you in her healing embrace
Archangel Metatron & Mary together start to establish and activate your 7D light body.
Archangel Butyalil places his dazzling white light all around your archangel ball so that your life flows …..and he now guides your cosmic service work.
You are relaxing in your Archangel Ball with Lord Voosloo, St Germain, Merlin, Paul the Venetian, Commander Ashtar, El Morya, Lady Nada, and Jesus. Just relax.
Travel with love to the Pleiades. stand in front of the pyramid of the Pleiades – it is filled with codes of 11D blue Source healing energy step into it. Bathe in the blue light & activate the codes at an atomic level
Travel with love to Arcturus. look at the glowing orange-gold globe. step into the globe of Arcturus filled with the orange-gold Codes of Mastery. Bathe in the orange-gold light…. & activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Pluto & step into the Great Pyramid of Pluto. Access with love & thanks to the silver platinum light Codes of 6D ascension. Bathe in the s platinum light…. & activate the codes at an atomic level. Archangel Azriel, the angel of transition, takes you up into a higher chamber. Rest here for a moment.
access the 7 pyramids of Pluto. It is the silver platinum swirling in these pyramids that raises your frequency to the 11D.
- Step into the first pyramid which is Crimson silver platinum…raises frequency of your blood at a cellular level. Blood equals joy, your essence…. Breathe it in.
- Now move to the second pyramid which is aquamarine silver platinum …cleanses & detoxifies the cells of our physical body ..breathe in the aquamarine silver platinum
how much toxicity in cells? Sense feel lower energy, toxins, etc flowing down out of your cells…..out of your feet….collected by your unicorn, and taken into the universe to be transmuted……must now fill cells with love and Source data.
- The third pyramid holds Pure Source pink and silver platinum lightcodes to saturate your cells with pure love. Take it in.
- The fourth pyramid holds blue and silver platinumlight codes of true communication with love. .. telepathy and heart-to-heart transfers… psychic connections with all.
- And now step into the fifth pyramid filled with emerald green and silver platinumlight codes of abundance and joy….absolute knowing you deserve the bounty of the universe….which flows to you
- The sixth pyramid contains deep blue and silver platinumlight codes of divine truth and integrity…deep blue opens you to the Source truth…the silver platinum raises you to the right for..and makes the connection.
- And finally enter the seventh pyramid that is filled with violet and silver platinumlight codes of true spiritual connection. Take your time to experience them.
Leave Pluto now and Travel with love to Neptune and Toutillay, the cosmic Earth Star chakra. see the Great Pyramid filled with gold codes At and Lem. step in and download with love and thanks the gold light codes of wisdom of Atlantis and Lemuria. Bathe in the gold light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Saturn and Quichy, the cosmic base chakra –and step into the vast globe containing the gold and platinum light codes of Divine order and balance, the foundation for magic and true mastery. Bathe in the gold and platinum light…. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Sirius and Lakumay, the cosmic sacral chakra, and step into the vast globe containing the silver-pink Christ light of compassion and the codes of sacred geometry. Bathe in the silver-pink light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to the Sun, the cosmic navel chakra and step into the vast globe containing the bright orange light of the divine masculine and happiness. Access the power with honor and integrity of the High Priest’s energy. Bathe in the bright orange light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Helios, the Great Central Sun, and step into the Great Pyramid and access with love and thanks to the golden orange light codes of this universe and of All You Can Be. Bathe in the golden orange light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Activate the light codes of regeneration at a cellular level to build your Crystalline Light Body, activate your 12 strands of DNA, and prepare you to become the advanced human of the Golden Future.
regenerate your brain at a 7D frequency to prepare for your crystalline brain,
blood, muscles,
Cartilage, tendons, joints
Spine, neck, low back, hips, knees, elbows…all bones
Teeth, nails, nerves
My kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract
The gold-orange light from Helios opens your glands like flowers with 33 petals…
Pineal in the crown –light blazes here and activates your connection to Source.
The pituitary in the third eye- enables you to take full mastery of your body.
Thyroid…Throat…enables you to communicate at higher frequency with every sentient being
Heart – thymus – enables activation of your h heart for your crystalline light body
Solar plexus – pancreas – activate cosmic wisdom
Sacral – reproductive glands – divine creativity
Base – adrenals – letting you experience bliss
Now see and sense the golden orange light from Helios pouring down through you into the Great Pyramid at the center of Hollow Earth and flowing into the leylines of the planet.
Travel with love to the cosmic heart, Venus, and step into the Great Pyramid to access the pink-white light codes of cosmic love. Bathe in the pink white light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Andromeda, the higher heart of the universe. And step into the Great Pyramid of Andromeda, and access with love and thanks to the 11D violet-pink light that holds a perfect balance of love, peace, and wisdom. Bathe in the violet-pink light …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
light codes of rejuvenation are now released to flow into you, activating every cell in your body
into your Brain – enhancing your brain power, your memory and your cognitive functions.
Rejuvenating your Skin – clear, youthful and flawless
hair – is shining, strong, and your natural colour
Finger and toenails,
Eyes and vision, ears and hearing
Cardiovascular system, immune system
Digestive system, liver
Kidneys, bladder urinary tract, reproductive organs,
All your muscles
Joints and cartilage, tendons, ligaments, connective tissues,
Nervous system.
The codes of rejuvenation fill you at the cellular level and transform your programming into joyful, youthful, healthy, and life-affirming!
See the violet-pink light from Andromeda flowing through you deep into the Great Pyramid at the center of Hollow Earth, then flowing into the leylines of the planet.
Travel with love to the cosmic throat chakra, Mercury, and Telephony. observe. and step into the Great Pyramid and access with love and thanks to the codes of higher communication, in all shades of light blue merged with gold, silver, and violet. Bathe in the blue, gold, silver, and violet light and activate the light codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Jupiter and Jumbay, the cosmic third eye chakra, and step into the Great Pyramid …here access with love and thanks to the light codes of expansion and abundance consciousness in greens with silver and gold. Bathe in the green, gold, and silver light and activate the light codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Uranus and Curonay, the cosmic crown chakra, and step into the Pyramid of Curonay….here bathe in the lime green and silver light and activate the codes of transcendent transformation at an atomic level.
Travel with love to the Moon, the cosmic causal chakra, and step into the Great Pyramid of the Moon…here access with love and thanks to the white silver light codes of the divine feminine and powers of the High Priestess. Bathe in the white silver light…. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love through the great Stargate of Lyra into Lyra and step into the wondrous seven-pointed star of Lyra. Here access with love and thanks to the pure white unicorn light with the codes of all the high-frequency qualities needed for your monadic merge. Bathe in the pure white light…. and activate the unicorn codes at an atomic level.
Visualize the pure white 11D unicorn light from Lyra flowing through you into the Great Pyramid at the center of Hollow Earth and then radiating out through the leylines of the planet.
Travel with love to Orion, the cosmic Soul Star chakra, and step into the Pyramid of Orion. Here bathe in the pure white Codes of Cosmic Wisdom. …. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
Travel with love to Mars and Nigellay, the Stellar Gateway chakra, and step into the Pyramid of Nigellay. Here bathe in the golden orange light codes. they hold every single thing you need for your highest monadic merge…. and activate the codes at an atomic level.
You are sitting surrounded by your eight Illumined masters, Lord Voosloo, St Germain, Merlin, Paul the Venetian, Commander Ashtar, El Morya, Lady Nada, and Jesus in your Archangel ball.
Cosmic light codes are streaming through you.
Send them with love to our planet Earth and its ascended aspect Pilchay – the Solar Plexus of the universe and enter Hollow Earth. Lady Gaia conducts you with love and joy to the Great Pyramid – step into it and access with love the golden wisdom codes held here.
the 11D cosmic light codes flowing through you, merge with the gold codes of Earth which become golden white – a perfect balance of power with wisdom. The glorious golden white now spreads throughout the planet and blazes into Earth’s aura.
Earth is glowing golden white, fully fifth dimensional. See it pulsing golden white power with wisdom into the universe.
Now the golden white love, information, knowledge, and wisdom held on Earth fills you, lighting up all the cosmic keys and codes you have integrated. You become radiant golden white.
sense this.
And you are with your masters and Archangels in your radiant golden white light body..
And you rise up in your light body through the dimensions and……. MERGE WITH YOUR MONAD, bringing a gift of cosmic light. you joyously transfer all you have brought to your monad.
Sit quietly and breathe comfortably receiving blessings from your I AM
It is time to leave your Monad and continue your journey with your Masters and Archangels ….in your golden white light body.
Archangel Butyalil, within your Archangel ball now leads you through the universe to the great temple where the intergalactic Council meets. The 12 members of the Intergalactic Council await you. They bless you in turn. Receive the blessings. Master Marko, Commander Ashtar, Jesus, El Morya, Lord Hilarion, Lord Kuthumi, Mary Magdelene, Lord Maitreya, Merlin, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, and Quan Yin and thank them.
Thank Master Marko for negotiating on behalf of Earth for billions of elementals from different universes, to come to Earth now to consume pollution and ask him to continue to negotiate for more to come here.
Thank you for negotiating for more pink Source love through Venus to be directed to Earth so that everyone can be directly touched by Higher Love. Thank you Quan Yin for agreeing to spread this extra love energy.
Thank Master Marko too for negotiating for a vast pyramid of Archangel Michael’s deep blue light of Source Truth to be placed over the entire planet so that people everywhere see Source Truth and all are protected from the energies of the dark ones. Thank you Serapis Bey for accepting this petition.
Take time to visualize the blue pyramid being placed over Earth. and Michael’s angels working tirelessly within it to help everyone see Source Truth.
Now, we ask for pure water, pure air, and pure soil to be returned to Earth in the best possible way.
El Morya accepts the petition.
We petition for a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy on Earth, so that male and female trust, respect & love each other bringing forward harmony everywhere.
Mary Magdelene accepts the petition.
We petition for millions of angels to come to Earth to illuminate the way for stuck souls to find the light and clear the astral realms. see millions passing with their angels.
Commander Ashtar accepts this petition.
We petition for all ancestral, family, and genetic karma to be transmuted and removed totally from the Akashi records of individuals and of humanity under grace and we ask that there is an immediate alleviation of physical, mental, and emotional conditions for ALL those affected.
Jesus has agreed to accept this petition.
Take a moment to make your own individual petition if you wish to do so now.
Thank the Inter-Galactic Council
And now you relax in your archangel ball as you float to the chamber of your overlighting Archangel.
Who is it? he stands in front of you in his glorious light
Ask how much Angel energy you hold.
Ask how much Unicorn energy you hold.
Ask how much dragon energy you hold.
And now you overlighting Archangel gives you a message.
And when you are ready, in your own time, come back to the room and open your eyes.