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Angels, Ascension, Dragons, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Nature World, Transform Your Life, Unicorns
Co. Kerry

Findhorn author and creator of 'Angel EFT,' Susan Browne works as a Life Coach and Teacher of Angels, Dragons, Ascension, Unicorns, Transform Your Life and Lemurian Planetary Healing. She is passionate about helping people to discover and anchor their highest potential.

Other Qualifications: Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching; Counsellor (BA, APCP), Modern Energy Tapping Master Practitioner and Trainer (GoE), Mental Health Nurse (BSc Hons), Usui Reiki Master.

Susan loves nature and has co-created biodiversity initiatives in her community such as planting trees and orchards, making small ponds for wildlife and developing ecological corridors. She also teaches nature journalling and creative writing. 

Originally from Warwickshire, UK, Susan lives in North Co. Kerry since 2000, on the Wild Atlantic Way. She sees clients from around the world 1:1 for Angel EFT and coaching sessions and delivers life-changing workshops.