Raise Your Frequency and Accelerate Your Path
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Cost: £11

Your host - Franziska Siragusa
I will will be your host for the DCSWL High-frequency Day and open you up with Angels, Unicorns and Dragons.

Forgive the Illusion of Separation and Awaken to the Truth of Oneness – Martine Werkhoven
I will take you on a guided visualisation with Mother Mary, Guan Yin, and Archangel Raphael. We will work with the 5th Ray, the soothing emerald green Ray that represents the qualities of truth and healing, helping us to be seers of truth and develop inner vision. We will connect with the energy of compassion, in particular, nurturing our return to oneness.

A kaleidoscope of the New Golden Age – Meghna Baruah
Let us take a sneak peek into the New Golden Age. Since we are all multidimensional beings, we can meet the Ascended version of ourselves in the New Earth we are co-creating. Come and join me for a fun activity where I give you an insight into the quantum field of infinite possibilities. As we know, TIME is an illusion and everything you can imagine already exists in a different dimension. How do you envision yourself in the future? Get ready to tune into that frequency with me today as we view the “Kaleidoscope of the Future”.

Soul Fragment Retrieval – Carol De Vasconcelos
Come join me to claim back and redeem all the parts of your being that has fragmented or is lost. When we do this retrieval work, we will free up energy and light within ourselves that can be used elsewhere in our lives. You will then allow your authentic self to emerge, and you will realize your true potential. This is a journey not to be missed as it will also greatly assist you on your Ascension path.

Closing Ceremony – Sonja Ruetimann
I will be doing a closing ceremony and will channel what is needed for the group.