Full Moon Meditation for April 6th 2023.

Meet Archangel Sandalphon in the Angel Garden and give your wishes a growth spurt.


The Pink Full Moon Energy this April is ideal when you want to start something new, when you want to expand. This day is wonderful for preparing the field for the next harvest by sowing your seeds.


  • Take a few breaths and close your eyes.
  • Observe your breath and slowly come to rest inside.
  • Notice how your energetic roots full of light grow from the soles of your feet deep into the earth.
  • They spread out and grow into the depths through all the layers of the earth.
  • Deeper and deeper until they reach the great earth crystal in the centre of the earth.
  • Your roots wrap themselves joyfully around this earth crystal and absorb the the loving earth energy.
  • They guide it upwards to your feet, flowing from there into every cell of your body.
  • It flows from there through your upper chakra channel to the source of all being.
  • Feel the connection to Source and feel the Divine Energy flowing from there to you.
  • You stand in a bright column of pure Creator Light.
  • Archangel Michael places his deep blue Cloak of Protection around you, protecting your light around all your chakras.
  • You are fully attuned and protected.
  • Your guardian angel takes you by the hand.
  • He leads you into a huge field of phlox, which blooms pink at this time of the year.
  • You walk between these rows of pink flowers, on and on and on.
  • Until you arrive at a beautiful garden gate that looks large and magnificent.
  • The gate slowly opens and a light filled plant angel appears.
  • He is the guardian of this angel garden and welcomes you warmly.
  • He is happy about you coming and invites you to enter.
  • You follow him and walk along a path through the middle of the garden.
  • All around you are beautiful flowers. They are all different, big and small, in all colours and all shapes.
  • They shine in a special way, there is a wonderful scent in the air.
  • Abundance is everywhere you look.
  • The guardian angel of the garden takes you to an open space where there is a large temple made of beautiful crystals.
  • Up in the sky a wonderful full moon is already announcing itself for the night.
  • Several angels come out of the temple. In the middle of them is Archangel
  • Sandalphon in his long silver robe.
  • He smiles at you telepathically and asks you to come closer to him.
  • The angels make room for you, and you feel the special energy in his aura.
  • Archangel Sandalphon asks you to tell him if and where something should grow in your life.
  • You think for a moment and tell him where you wish for abundance and success in your life.
  • He smiles and asks one of the angels to give him a small green box.
  • He opens it and shows you that there are 3 sparkling seeds inside which
  • have a special magical radiance.
  • He asks you to take these seeds in your hand and charge them with your wishes to be brought to Source so that they can receive a growth boost.
  • Together with the moonlight and the magic of the magical seeds, your wishes now merge into your hand, and radiate a lovely shimmering light.
  • You put them back in the small green box and Archangel Sandalphon goes back into the temple with them.
  • The angels begin to sound, and you see how the flowers in the angel garden move rhythmically in the dark, and bathe their blossoms in the moonlight.
  • After a while Archangel Sandalphon comes back and smiles at you.
  • He lets you know that he has brought your seeds to the Light of Source.
  • Now, trust that they will sprout.
  • With joy in your heart you thank Archangel Sandalphon.
  • He blesses you and enables your Earth Star Chakra to shine brightly.
  • He says goodbye to you and returns to the temple.
  • You are happy and pleased.
  • With your guardian angel you go back to the garden gate, and together you say goodbye to the guardian of the angel garden.
  • Slowly you return to your house, to your room.
  • Take a few powerful breaths.
  • Slowly become aware of your body again.
  • Gently open your eyes.