Golden Atlantis Online Teacher Training

Become a Golden Atlantis Teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and help bring back the Golden Atlantean energies to help co-create a new era of love. The course takes place via Zoom, and the cost is £792 for existing teachers.
The training will take place on Sundays over 12 weeks, starting on Wednesday 15th January, 10.30 – 12.30 am Rome time
NOTE: If you are not a teacher yet, you will need to take the Teacher Training module (six two-hour sessions, £396) before we start, and you can contact me to arrange your sessions.
The Golden Age of Atlantis was an extraordinary time when the spiritual energy was the highest it has ever been in the history of our planet. It was the nearest to Heaven on Earth that we have had the opportunity to experience. People glowed with light and happiness; lived joyously in total harmony with each other and nature. They developed amazing spiritual, psychic and technological powers and had a clear connection with the Divine. The Golden Atlantis Teacher Training Programme is based on Diana Cooper’s highly successful book ‘Discover Atlantis’.
Message from Diana Cooper
“At last, the time is right for the energy, wisdom and healing techniques of Golden Atlantis to return, and the Angels of Atlantis have asked us to spread this knowledge through our School of White Light. There is much exciting and important work ahead, and your unique light is needed. I invite you to join the Golden Atlantis Training Course, where we will cooperate as a team to take the sacred information into the world.”