Angel Online Teacher Training

Become an Angel Teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and help spread the light of the angels. The course takes place via Zoom, and the cost is £792 for existing teachers.
The training will take place on Sundays over 12 weeks, starting on 2nd February, 15.00 – 17.00 pm Rome time
NOTE: If you are not a teacher yet, you will need to take the Teacher Training module (six two-hour sessions, £396) before we start, and you can contact me to arrange your sessions.
Our planet Earth is undergoing a shift in consciousness so we can all live at a higher frequency of love, wisdom, cooperation and peace. We are incredibly blessed to be incarnated right now because the opportunities for spiritual growth are enormous. We are being offered an opportunity to create Heaven on Earth, and the Angels are here to assist us.
Message from Diana Cooper
“Now that the ascension of our planet and all on her is accelerating, spiritual teachers are being trained by our School to show those who are ready the way. Angels and Archangels continue to flow to Earth as never before and have asked our School to train lightworkers to help the masses learn about them and connect to them for guidance. If you would like to be light going out into the world and show others the way, this course will help you manifest your dreams.”