Light Linkers

A Light Linker is a Diana Cooper School of White Light Teacher who acts as a focal point for their part of the world and holds the light. In this article, you get to meet some of the Light Linkers and how they feel about this important role. 

Katharina Lachenmayr – Germany

“For me, being a light linker means, as an individual or in a group, to take on my role as a lightworker for the highest divine light, to represent and to spread the light. Light Linkers are symbolic like lighthouses or like a harbour, people come together and enjoy the community, exchange ideas and start their journey of life strengthened with joy. The Divine Light guides and strengthens and empowers the community.”

Lots of love and light



Franziska Siragusa – Italy


“The Universe always makes sure that each one of us is in the right place for their mission. I believe that part of my purpose is to hold the light for the area where I live.  When your frequencies are high and your aura expanded your light spans for many miles and you are likely to link up with other high-frequency people to hold the light for an even larger area or country.  When you have agreed to be a light linker for the Diana Cooper School of White light you are automatically connecting with all the other light linkers from the School and together we are holding the light around the world. Light contains keys and codes of higher wisdom and you can touch others with them. Your light carries divine gifts and by holding and spreading it you are sharing them with others. Being a light linker is important service work.”


Penny Wing – Spain, Portugal, France

“I decided to step forward as a Light Linker for Spain, Portugal and France in order to light up these areas energetically! I already do a lot of planetary healing but I felt that by being a Light Linker it would help me focus more consciously on these countries as well as other places.

I chose Spain because I live here and I chose Portugal and France as these are two countries that people can travel to from Spain without having to cross water so, on a physical level, they all feel very connected.

When we start to have more DCSWL teachers in these countries it will also be lovely to hold the light for them and for all of us together to create a beautiful crystalline grid of energy that spreads throughout this part of Europe!”


Surabhi Kalsi  – India

“To me being a Light Linker means that I hold the light for anyone who wishes to know about and connect with the Angels, Unicorns and other light beings. It means spreading the mission of the DCSWL – ‘spreading the light of angels, ascension and the sacred mysteries of the Universe.’

I intend to continue holding The Full Moon Circle, which is a free open event that I hold around every full moon. We come together and release what no longer serves us, set new intentions and take a wonderful journey with a special visualization. We discuss our progress and share our experiences. In view of the new worldwide scenario, I intend to hold the July Full Moon Circle online. You can reach out to me at or WhatsApp at +919920100123.”

Surabhi Kalsi, Master Teacher in Angels, Unicorns, Transform Your Life.


Kerstin Joost – Switzerland

“I see myself as a beacon of light – giving workshops and training teachers is one way, but I am also passing light to people that I meet in my daily life. I practise keeping my own energy field open and shining, aiming to ignite the light in others, too. Being a light linker also means anchoring incoming energies into the country, where I live, which is Switzerland. I love to take photos with orbs or light rays, which symbolize our connection to heaven and Earth and help us to remember this. I really love to be a light linker and guide people who are searching for their way to the light. It lies within every one of us.”

Kerstin Joost


Sandra Brandt – Germany

“It is a privilege for me to be a Light Linker. It is my intention to hold divine light for our country, the teachers in the Diana Cooper School of White Light and all living beings on earth so that everyone can open their hearts through the light of love. As we are so many Light Linkers – it is like a network of light and together we illuminate the whole world. I feel the peace, esteem, love and connection as we are all one.”


Susanne Rudd – Cyprus & Greece

Although I am officially the light linker for Greece/Cyprus, I see myself as a worldwide light linker!

As a Master Teacher/light linker, I hold Zoom sessions for those who have trained with me where we discuss anything that they wish to, whether that is talking about ideas for promoting workshops and classes or whether its ideas for running activities. I have teachers join from US, UK, Greece, UAE and if the timing is correct from Hong Kong too. I plan to hold a Zoom on what could be done in the Dragon Day workshop soon too.

I will also be linking up with the UK Light Linkers as my plans are to return to the UK permanently just as soon as that is possible. If any other teachers would care to join my Zoom Light Linker meetings, please get in touch.


Susan Browne – Ireland

It’s a joy to help to hold the light for Ireland as a Light Linker for the Diana Cooper School of White Light. Many of the teachers and other lightworkers here do this as well of course, but I like having this role and am here to help whenever I can. One of my passions is working with the planet, and Lemurian Planetary Healing is something I practise regularly.

I have taught workshops around Ireland and beyond and serve on the school newsletter team as an editor and writer. Many of us are hearing the call to step up now, stop playing small and re-living the old paradigm as we are coming into a new, higher way of being. As well as taking this on board for myself, I delight in helping others in doing this too.



Melinda/Elisabeth White Rose – Eastern Europe, Denmark & Hungary

“I am grateful and honoured to be a Light linker. I love the land, nature, animals, the birds and insects and sending Love, Light and Gratitude to all of them is my soul purpose. Both as Light Worker and Light Linker, I am connecting to the Angelic Healing Energies and to the Lemurian Crystals when I send healing. I ask that the Angels of Nature and the Angels of Animals touch the hearts and minds of human beings so we treat Nature and Animals with respect and Love. I connect to Principalities of specific areas, send gratitude, and pray for awareness and love towards Nature and Animals. I also send Light, Healing, Peace, Hope to the big cities, ask the Dragons to clean the heavy energies and I invoke the Unicorns to bring Healing, Light and Purity.”




Harumi Sasaki – Japan

“As a Light Linker, I am grateful, happy, and welcoming of this opportunity to work with the angel’s pure light of unconditional love. I firmly believe that everything happens at the perfect time.”