Diana Cooper School of White Light 2023 Reunion Highlights
Glastonbury, Somerset, UK
by Susan Browne, Phú Chi Giang, Katherina Lachenmayr, Sonja Rütimann and Sophia Ngangbam
Each year, the Diana Cooper School of White Light holds a reunion. Spring 2019 was the last in-person reunion, and then we went online. But this year, we did our first face-to-face reunion since, in sacred Glastonbury town, Somerset England. This is the planetary heart chakra, and it is bursting with magic and light.
At school reunions, we always enjoy many meditations, excursions and spiritually uplifting activities. I have found all the reunions I have attended life changing. Words can’t really describe, but we’ve provided a few here of our highlights of what was an unforgettable weekend. To say we were walking on air afterwards is an understatement. Here we are below with Glastonbury Abbey in the background, at wonderful Abbey House where we were taken great care of by Penny and her team. Photo by Esme.
Arriving, Exploring & Opening Night
Some of us had arrived in the town a day or so earlier and had a chance to marvel like children at the beautiful shops filled with crystals and much more that you don’t find in most towns. And Glastonbury is not at all like most towns. But on Friday, the opening night, we gathered in Abbey House for meditation, singing, celebration, and a meal together. New teachers received a gift and special message from Diana.
Phú Chi Giang: From Sound Healing Instrument Shops, Aromatherapy, and Sacred Geometry Healing to Alcohol-free cafes and eateries full of vegan options, Glastonbury is truly the place to be – where higher consciousness survives and thrives.
After a day full of exploring and sightseeing, came the Opening Night on Friday Evening at the Abbey House where many new teachers were overjoyed to meet one another for the first time, especially our beloved Diana Cooper standing in her golden aura of Pure Love and Wisdom.
Diana had a special gift and soulful message for each new teacher. Some teachers were in tears of pure joy, love, and gratitude holding the gift and receiving the wisdom, all being cocooned in her Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Diana. It was truly a reunion of soul-to-soul and heart-to-heart connections. That evening, we meditated, sang, had dinner together, and celebrated in the spirit of Love and Oneness.
The Tor
Glastonbury Tor has attracted spiritual pilgrims for many centuries. The energy from the Tor cannot be understated – it is just magical. Many things are said of the Tor, but I read recently, which made me smile, that under the hill there’s a hidden cave through which you can pass into the fairy realm of Annwn – where dwells Gwynab Nudd – lord of the Celtic underworld. It is also said that Jesus’ uncle – Joseph of Arimathea – brought the Holy Grail and that it is still there now (National Trust, UK).
Below, you’ll see our reunion cake on the left organised by Carol and created by Andrea, featuring St Michael’s tower on the Tor, The Tor on our walk up, Saturday morning (centre) and us pictured in front of St Michael’s tower (right).
Phú Chi Giang: That Saturday morning, we certainly looked forward to ascending to the summit of the Tor, led by Diana herself who later joked that “we all flew up there” [in the presence of angels, unicorns and dragons] when someone later asked about the journey.
It was worth the early rise as we cherished every single minute of catching the early morning sun. We then gathered inside the Tower and basked in the spontaneous sound of the crystal singing bowl. With eyes closed, we relaxed, surrendered to the high-frequency sound that spiralled up through our spines, and into the above, while the doves, pigeons, angels and elementals sang over us.
It was pure magic in daylight!
Below Phú is pictured making magic with the singing bowl and us gathered around in St Michael’s Tower.
The Chalice Well
Phú Chi Giang: Arriving at the Chalice Well Garden was like entering a hidden fairyland where we were greeted by the flora and fauna at their best. Roses in Bergamot Yellow, White, and Magenta were at their full blooms. Setting bare feet on the warm lush green grass, zig-zagged by the creases from the Spring flowing so gracefully, so miraculously, we were One with Mother Earth.
Further inside, we occupied an entire chamber where we were fond of the running water cascading down into a pool of fresh, artic cold pool of water. One by one, we held hands in a circle, attuning to the sound of the crystal bowl played by our teacher Shelley, joined by Sophia, Annika, and Phú. All humming that sacred sound of creation, as if we were all levitating. Magic was in the air.
The White Springs
Just beneath Glastonbury Tor is a Victorian-built well house – a temple built in honour of the gift of the healing spring water. In Avalon, there are, mysteriously, two healing springs – one is the red spring, known for its iron, the other white with calcite. The Red Spring is in the Chalice Well Gardens, and the White Spring is in the White Springs temple. But both are accessible for all to fill their cups and bottles on the small road that lies between the Tor and the Chalice Well gardens. Our group was gifted with a very special visit down to the temple, which is lit by candles, and no photos are allowed.
Inside are some shrines of deities, including the Irish Goddess Brigit who is connected to Glastonbury. A series of pools inside the temple are built according to the principles of sacred geometry which the brave (because it’s cold) can bathe in.
Katharina Lachenmayr: For many years I have experienced the annual Reunion of the School. Every time I greet and hug my heart beats faster. Meeting loved ones in town or at meetings creates a feeling of togetherness and oneness. Joy, laughter and fun as well as connecting with the higher beings of light and enjoying the beautiful surroundings are part of this event.
The experience of stepping into the cold water at White Springs was a triumph for me. After I did it, I knew it was important for me to take confident steps into the unknown. Thank you everyone for your love!
Below – top left: Diana enjoying stories and fun with Anne at dinner; top right: visit to Glastonbury Abbey; bottom left “poppies of Avalon” atop the Tor; bottom right: Labyrinth in the church grounds, Glastonbury Town.
Final Comments
Sonja Rütimann: I am so grateful to meet all these wonderful souls from all over the world finally in person in these magical, colourful places; to see the lights of souls; to merge into a wonderful growing brother and sisterhood; finding friends for life; feeling the growing light of all and the blessings from the angelic realms with all these amazing beings, leaving us physically, but the abundance is ongoing.
We spread and anchor the light and healing in all parts of our journey on beloved Gaia and elsewhere.
Sophia Ngangbam: We bonded in this reunion and created lifelong friends. We truly did discover our spiritual family. We experienced so much happiness, love, dance, and laughter together. We all kept the memories close to our hearts and will never forget them. We found our Soul Family with a strong connection beyond blood or race; we got connected by energy and vibration. We share an unspoken level of understanding & love for each other. We are one.