Full Moon Meditation to Become a Master of the Universe (Part 1)
NOTE: To become a Master of the Universe you must understand and access twelve keys that are part of the wisdom of Sirius. These keys will help you develop your higher mind. In this July fool moon visualisation, I will lead you through 6 of them and the remaining 6 we will do for the August full moon.
Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths into your heart and focus on opening as wide as possible.
Be aware of your strong silvery golden roots growing deep into the Earth and anchoring you into the planet.
Wonderful high-frequency energy from the Great Crystal of Hollow Earth flows up through your roots, feet, and legs until it reaches the heart. Send love from your heart into the heart of Source and strengthen your beautiful connection with the Creator.
You are wearing Archangel Michael’s deep blue cloak of protection, and you feel the powerful divine masculine energies filling your aura.
Invoke the Masters of Sirius and Archangel Metatron to overlight this visualisation and also call in the elemental dragons to assist. Ask your Guardian Angel, unicorn, and dragon to come close and ask them to support you.
Take yourself out in nature by a stream on which boats are floating under the full moon’s light. It is a warm summer night, and a breeze is fluttering your hair. As you watch the boats, surround yourself with crystal-clear light and sit still. Time is not linear; it goes slowly if you resist and fast if you stay in the flow. Visualise that you are boarding a boat and let the stream’s current carry you. As you do so, throw everything that no longer serves you into the water allowing your dreams to manifest, you are letting go, and you are in the flow. Affirm I AM in the flow (3x). And with that, you integrate the first of the keys to Sirius.
Come back to shore and stand in beautiful nature. Enfold yourself in transparent white light. Your Guardian Angel is attracting your attention. He is holding a crystal bowl and starts tapping it. Reflect upon the fact that you are a multidimensional being. Bring your awareness to your golden Stellar Gateway chakra, which holds the light of your highest dimensional aspect. Affirm I AM the Monad, I AM the light divine, I AM love, I AM will, I AM fixed design. Set the intention to reside from the fifth dimension onwards with your roots firmly anchored into the Earth, and let that be your truth. And with that, you integrate the second key.
Silver and gold light entwines you as you look up at the canopy of stars in the night sky. Attune to the energy of the stars. Become aware of their hum. Mentally hum with them. They are cosmic chakras and transmit amazing energies and qualities to you like Atlantean and Lemurian wisdom, spiritual discipline, transcendent love, cosmic wisdom, Source love, telepathic communication, cosmic abundance, enlightenment and the energies of the peaceful warrior. Feel one and know you are linked to all the stars, planets and galaxies. And with that knowledge, you integrate the third key.
Surround yourself with white light and sit still for a moment. Set the intention to balance within yourself the qualities of air, fire, water and earth. Call your unicorn and the air dragons and ask them to balance the air qualities. Next, call a fire dragon and ask him to balance the fire qualities. Then call a water dragon and ask him to balance the water qualities. Finally, call an earth dragon to help you connect deeply with Hollow Earth and draw up earth qualities into you. Affirm, I AM in perfect divine balance (3x). As you sit still, you integrate the fourth key to Sirius.
Your unicorn invites you to sit on his back. He takes you through the starry sky, past the full moon, to Venus, the Cosmic Heart. Surround yourself in orange light and sit in this high-frequency golden space. The sound of water lapping reaches you, and you inhale the breath from Source. Once more, affirm, I AM the Monad, I AM the light divine, I Am love, I AM will, I AM fixed design, and know that this is the essence of your being, your divine self. Become aware that your chakras align with their sacred shapes: yin yang, square, oval, oval, six-pointed star, circle, triangle, infinity symbol, double pyramid, cone spiralling out into the universe, five-pointed star and Metatron Cube. The sacred geometry brings your masculine and feminine energies into perfect balance. Affirm, I understand and trust the divine in all things (3x). And with that, you integrate the 5th key.
Still sitting in the Cosmic Heart, surround yourself with white-blue light and listen for the sound of cosmic harmony. Know that your light is the energy of your soul, the aura that radiates around you. You can consciously pack your aura with etheric gifts like love, joy, peace and any other divine qualities you want to share. So take a moment to do that. Think of the qualities you would like to share as gifts and see them appear in your fields wrapped like presents. PAUSE Set the intention to consciously expand your aura at all times and share your light and gifts. Visualise yourself now radiating light to your loved ones and everyone you encounter. And with that, you integrate the 6th key to Sirius.
With your, Unicorn return to Earth and safely back into your space. Bring your consciousness fully back into your physical body and remember to radiate your light.
Full Moon Meditation to Become a Master of the Universe (Part 1)
NOTE: To become a Master of the Universe you must understand and access twelve keys that are part of the wisdom of Sirius. These keys will help you develop your higher mind. In this July fool moon visualisation, I will lead you through 6 of them and the remaining 6 we will do for the August full moon.
Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths into your heart and focus on opening as wide as possible.
Be aware of your strong silvery golden roots growing deep into the Earth and anchoring you into the planet.
Wonderful high-frequency energy from the Great Crystal of Hollow Earth flows up through your roots, feet, and legs until it reaches the heart. Send love from your heart into the heart of Source and strengthen your beautiful connection with the Creator.
You are wearing Archangel Michael’s deep blue cloak of protection, and you feel the powerful divine masculine energies filling your aura.
Invoke the Masters of Sirius and Archangel Metatron to overlight this visualisation and also call in the elemental dragons to assist. Ask your Guardian Angel, unicorn, and dragon to come close and ask them to support you.
Take yourself out in nature by a stream on which boats are floating under the full moon’s light. It is a warm summer night, and a breeze is fluttering your hair. As you watch the boats, surround yourself with crystal-clear light and sit still. Time is not linear; it goes slowly if you resist and fast if you stay in the flow. Visualise that you are boarding a boat and let the stream’s current carry you. As you do so, throw everything that no longer serves you into the water allowing your dreams to manifest, you are letting go, and you are in the flow. Affirm I AM in the flow (3x). And with that, you integrate the first of the keys to Sirius.
Come back to shore and stand in beautiful nature. Enfold yourself in transparent white light. Your Guardian Angel is attracting your attention. He is holding a crystal bowl and starts tapping it. Reflect upon the fact that you are a multidimensional being. Bring your awareness to your golden Stellar Gateway chakra, which holds the light of your highest dimensional aspect. Affirm I AM the Monad, I AM the light divine, I AM love, I AM will, I AM fixed design. Set the intention to reside from the fifth dimension onwards with your roots firmly anchored into the Earth, and let that be your truth. And with that, you integrate the second key.
Silver and gold light entwines you as you look up at the canopy of stars in the night sky. Attune to the energy of the stars. Become aware of their hum. Mentally hum with them. They are cosmic chakras and transmit amazing energies and qualities to you like Atlantean and Lemurian wisdom, spiritual discipline, transcendent love, cosmic wisdom, Source love, telepathic communication, cosmic abundance, enlightenment and the energies of the peaceful warrior. Feel one and know you are linked to all the stars, planets and galaxies. And with that knowledge, you integrate the third key.
Surround yourself with white light and sit still for a moment. Set the intention to balance within yourself the qualities of air, fire, water and earth. Call your unicorn and the air dragons and ask them to balance the air qualities. Next, call a fire dragon and ask him to balance the fire qualities. Then call a water dragon and ask him to balance the water qualities. Finally, call an earth dragon to help you connect deeply with Hollow Earth and draw up earth qualities into you. Affirm, I AM in perfect divine balance (3x). As you sit still, you integrate the fourth key to Sirius.
Your unicorn invites you to sit on his back. He takes you through the starry sky, past the full moon, to Venus, the Cosmic Heart. Surround yourself in orange light and sit in this high-frequency golden space. The sound of water lapping reaches you, and you inhale the breath from Source. Once more, affirm, I AM the Monad, I AM the light divine, I Am love, I AM will, I AM fixed design, and know that this is the essence of your being, your divine self. Become aware that your chakras align with their sacred shapes: yin yang, square, oval, oval, six-pointed star, circle, triangle, infinity symbol, double pyramid, cone spiralling out into the universe, five-pointed star and Metatron Cube. The sacred geometry brings your masculine and feminine energies into perfect balance. Affirm, I understand and trust the divine in all things (3x). And with that, you integrate the 5th key.
Still sitting in the Cosmic Heart, surround yourself with white-blue light and listen for the sound of cosmic harmony. Know that your light is the energy of your soul, the aura that radiates around you. You can consciously pack your aura with etheric gifts like love, joy, peace and any other divine qualities you want to share. So take a moment to do that. Think of the qualities you would like to share as gifts and see them appear in your fields wrapped like presents. PAUSE Set the intention to consciously expand your aura at all times and share your light and gifts. Visualise yourself now radiating light to your loved ones and everyone you encounter. And with that, you integrate the 6th key to Sirius.
With your, Unicorn return to Earth and safely back into your space. Bring your consciousness fully back into your physical body and remember to radiate your light.