Yen Chi Wang
Angel Teacher Training 天使導師培訓_online
December 30, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - February 19, 2025 @ 11:00 pm

我們的地球正在經歷意識的轉變,因此我們都可以生活在更高頻率的愛、智慧、合作與和平。我們現在非常幸運能夠轉世,因為靈性成長的機會是巨大的。我們有機會創造人間天堂,天使們會在這裡幫助我們。 來自黛安娜·庫柏的訊息 「現在我們的星球及星球上的一切都在加速揚升,我們學校正在培訓靈性導師,為那些準備好的人指明道路。天使和大天使繼續以前所未有的方式湧向地球,並要求我們學校培訓光之工作者,以幫助大眾了解祂們並與祂們聯繫以尋求指導。如果您想成為走進世界的光並為他人指明道路,本課程將幫助您實現夢想。」 本課程將使您能夠 主持您自己的天使工作坊 創建和管理安全的教學環境 發展並使用廣泛的天使練習來支持學生的發展 客製化計劃和活動以滿足團體和個人的特定需求 幫助他人增強與天使的聯繫 尊重並發展自己獨特的學習和教學風格 註冊並成為黛安娜·庫柏白光學院的專業會員 註:此課程不包含教師模組培訓,限已完成其他教師資格的同學加入 Angel Teacher Training: 2024 Dec 30 2025 Jan 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 2025 Feb 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19 請聯繫晏祺老師email了解課程詳情: freelandtheta@gmail.com
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Meghaa Gupta
Master Teacher Training- Online With Meghaa Gupta
February 8 @ 1:00 pm - March 7 @ 3:00 pm

Angel Teacher Training - December- in KOLKATA, INDIA This training is conducted in a group limited to the first 10 participants With Master Teacher & Master Teacher Trainer, Meghaa Gupta The duration of this Training is 6 Days if you have already completed the teaching module. If you haven't completed it, please get in touch…
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Franziska Siragusa
Master Teacher Training Online With Franziska Siragusa
February 10 - February 14

Do you feel the calling to teach other people to teach? Are you ready to step onto a higher path of service and become a Master Teacher? The School’s apprenticeship scheme has been set up to enable a smooth transition from Teacher to Master Teacher, with your own individual development plan being developed with…
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Meghaa Gupta
Golden Future – Teacher Training In Pondicherry
February 11 @ 10:00 am - February 16 @ 5:00 pm

Become a Golden Future Teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and empower yourself and other people to co-create the new Golden Age. I will be conducting this training at Pondicherry, India. For existing teachers of the Diana Cooper School, the course consists of 6 days of intensive training at the cost of…
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Are you ready to journey into the Mystical Realms? Are you starting to open up to your spiritual self, your true self but don’t know where to start or how to do it? Would you like to connect more deeply with the magical energies of Angels or Unicorns? Do you feel as if…
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Are your finances always an issue or challenge for you? What are your feelings about money? Do you feel guilty about having plenty of money? Do you struggle to accept money for your spiritual work? Would you rather not have to deal with money at all? If this sounds like you, then maybe it is…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Angel teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 18 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and tweleve sessions are the angel training sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates are agreed…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Transform your life teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 18 sessions plus homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and twelve sessions are the Transform your life sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates…
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How to bring more light into all areas of your life! Are you feeling slightly lost, confused, isolated from those around you at times, one minute feeling great and then the next minute not so great? Do you feel as if something is missing from your life? Do you have a deep, inner calling to change…
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How to transform your life through colour Do you sometimes wonder who you really are, what you are here to do or experience, which past lives you may have lived through, why you love some colours and why you are not keen on others? Do you feel you may have energy blocks that…
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Do you love oracle cards and use them when you need guidance or answers for yourself? Would you like to read oracle cards for others yet lack the belief that you can or don’t trust the information you receive thinking its “just your imagination” So many people can read cards easily and clearly yet stop…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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來自黛安娜·庫柏的訊息 「龍族是屬於天使領域強大而具有智慧的生物。許多地、風、火或水元素的存有已經與我們在一起了數億年,在許多方面默默地幫助我們。令人驚訝的是,更高頻率的龍現在正在湧入來幫助我們的揚升之旅。同時,銀河龍正在回歸,將我們與宇宙的智慧連結起來。我們生活在意識轉變的偉大時代,非常需要您作為龍族導師來幫助誕生新的黃金時代。您可能已經是御龍大師了。如果還不是,本培訓課程將使您成為其中之一。身為黛安娜·庫柏白光學院的龍族導師,人們對您寄予厚望,作為回報,您將從仁慈的龍族那裡得到許多祝福。當您傳播龍族的愛和智慧時,願龍激勵並保護您。」 此教師培訓包含教師模組+龍族模組(線上授課) Teacher Training Module: Feb 15, 16, 22 Dragon Module: Feb 23, March 1, 2 請聯繫晏祺老師 email: freelandtheta@gmail.com 詢問課程細節
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Do you hear the call from your Angels often? Are you passionate about sharing the light of Angels with others? Our planet is ascending and with it, the people are awakening to higher realms and the Higher Beings. If you have an inner calling to share your light with the world and help others find…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Ascension teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 18 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and twelve sessions are the Ascension sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates are agreed as…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Are you in need of some sparkling, uplifting energies? The Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki attunement could be just perfect for you as it is filled with the beautiful energies of the goddess Aphrodite. This attunement will be via a live class held on Zoom on 16 February 2025. The attunement carries the energies of Aphrodite,…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Lemurian Planetary Healing teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 10 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and four sessions are the Lemurian Planetary sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Seraphim Healing is a form of Angel therapy that works with an individual’s soul, empowering and returning them to who they truly are ~ a perfect divine being. Seraphim are among the greatest healers. Seraphim are celestial fiery beings of unconditional love, they are the highest order of Angels, being the closest to God/Source. They…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Unicorn teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 12 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and six sessions are the unicorn sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates are agreed…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Franziska Siragusa
Master Teacher Training Online With Franziska Siragusa Translated Into Chinese By Wang Yen Chi – 芙然老師大師級教師培訓 晏祺老師中文翻譯
February 19 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Do you feel the calling to teach other people to teach? Are you ready to step onto a higher path of service and become a Master Teacher? The School’s apprenticeship scheme has been set up to enable a smooth transition from Teacher to Master Teacher, with your own individual development plan being developed with you…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Towards 2032 teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 18 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and twelve sessions are the Towards 2032 sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Seraphim Healing is a form of Angel therapy that works with an individual’s soul, empowering and returning them to who they truly are ~ a perfect divine being. Seraphim are among the greatest healers. Seraphim are celestial fiery beings of unconditional love, they are the highest order of Angels, being the closest to God/Source. They…
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Expansion through Colour How to transform your life through colour Do you sometimes wonder who you really are, what you are here to do or experience, which past lives you may have lived through, why you love some colours and why you are not keen on others? Do you feel you may have…
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How to bring more light into all areas of your life! Are you feeling slightly lost, confused, isolated from those around you at times, one minute feeling great and then the next minute not so great? Do you feel as if something is missing from your life? Do you have a deep, inner calling to change…
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Are you ready to journey into the Mystical Realms? Are you starting to open up to your spiritual self, your true self but don’t know where to start or how to do it? Would you like to connect more deeply with the magical energies of Angels or Unicorns? Do you feel as if…
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Are your finances always an issue or challenge for you? What are your feelings about money? Do you feel guilty about having plenty of money? Do you struggle to accept money for your spiritual work? Would you rather not have to deal with money at all? If this sounds like you, then maybe it is…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Dragon teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 12 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and six sessions are the Dragon sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates are agreed as…
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This course covers the same content as in the face to face Golden Atlantis teacher training and students receive the same teaching certificate There are 18 sessions plus fun homework! Six sessions are the teacher training sessions and twelve sessions are the Golden Atlantis sessions The course start date is flexible and session dates…
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Do you love oracle cards and use them when you need guidance or answers for yourself? Would you like to read oracle cards for others yet lack the belief that you can or don’t trust the information you receive thinking its “just your imagination” So many people can read cards easily and clearly yet stop…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Become a Golden Atlantis teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and help bring back the high-frequency energies from that time. This will help the Earth shift into the new Golden Age. The course takes place via Zoom and consists of 36 hrs of training, for example, 18 two-hour sessions, at the cost…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Seraphim Healing is a form of Angel therapy that works with an individual’s soul, empowering and returning them to who they truly are ~ a perfect divine being. Seraphim are among the greatest healers. Seraphim are celestial fiery beings of unconditional love, they are the highest order of Angels, being the closest to God/Source. They…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Working with a photograph I offer a personal card reading service. I’ve been guided to connect with those requiring a reading via their photograph, which enables me, with the help of my guardian angel and archangels to tune into their energy. With the help of these beautiful celestial beings, I am then guided to work…
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My healing practitioner journey started nearly 20 years ago. I originally train as a Spiritual Healer in Devon, UK and then later in West Sussex, UK. This was a beautiful way to connect with universal energy and to recognise that we are permanently connected to something bigger than ourselves. In 2005, I then came across…
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Seraphim Healing is a form of Angel therapy that works with an individual’s soul, empowering and returning them to who they truly are ~ a perfect divine being. Seraphim are among the greatest healers. Seraphim are celestial fiery beings of unconditional love, they are the highest order of Angels, being the closest to God/Source. They…
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