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Transform Your Life Teacher Training Online

This training will provide you with a solid foundation to run your own workshops and spread your light. You may take this course for Personal Development as your beliefs, thoughts and patterns impact the way you experience life. Are you vibrating at the right frequency? Are you working with the Universal Laws ? Learn practical ways to co-create powerfully with the Universe. Spiritual Laws are always working. Learn about these Laws and how to work with them to be in the flow of your life. Create the inner shift to Love and Self Power.

  • My beliefs and where they come from
  • My inner child
  • Relationships
  • Emotions and thought processes
  • My relationship with my physical body
  • The Spiritual Laws and how to apply them positively
  • My soul’s purpose in this lifetime

Training Format

The training comprises of 18 sessions. A typical session is of 2 hours. The session is one-to-one over Zoom. The training comprises of Teacher Training Module (6 sessions) followed by the TYL Module (12 sessions). Please note that the Teacher Training Module is a pre-requisite for the TYL Module. It needs to be taken only once.

The start date is flexible and can be mutually decided. Please get in touch to know more.

email growwithsurabhi@gmail.com

Whatsapp  +91 9920100123

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