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Manifest By Design With Angels

Do you want to discover your unique manifesting process?

Join my 12 month online community, designed to teach your way of creating the results you want in your life/work more consistently.

This container is mainly experiential, with emphasis on developing the practical skills, to activate your prosperity & to increase confidence in your manifesting abilities.

Be the Creator You were Born to be

Starts Feb 2025

  • Training modules released the first week of every month – The training modules will cover all the elements of manifesting   from which you can relate these to your design to find your unique style
  • One Manifesting Q & A Call per month – The Training Module will be released in the first week of each month. You will have a week to check it out, check with your design and bring your manifesting questions to the Manifesting Q & A call.             This way you can really hone in on your specific manifesting nuances and fine tune them as you learn throughout our time together.


  • One Breakthrough Call per month – You will know by now – every step of the manifesting process triggers saboteurs, fears and old blocks. Each month we go through the potential pitfalls of the monthly theme with respect to your design. I will also bring you through a breakthrough process relevent to the theme.


  • One Manifesting Skills Call per month – Here you learn the skills that support your manifesting. Your success mindset, emotional intelligence, decision strategy, reading your cues and universal cues etc


  • Access to the Manifest by Design community portal, where you’ll get access to the live call recordings (we have a new theme each month!) as well as additional resources to support your personal growth.


  • Our private forum community where you’ll meet and connect with like-minded people, ask questions, share wins, and get special access to  other bonus content. It’s like facebook with more privacy


  • All calls will be recorded so you miss nothing and participate fully at all the calls

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