列穆尼亞星球療癒 拉拉山實體導師課 Lemurian Planetary Healing Teacher Training @taipei Lala Mountain

The Cosmic Moment in December 2012 brought wonderful new energy to our planet Earth and
gave us all opportunities for enlightenment and ascension. Our wonderful planet is undergoing
massive changes by raising its energies very rapidly from the third to the fifth dimension. Very
soon it will resonate as a fifth-dimensional planet and play its integral part in evolution by
shining its wonderful light and vibrations into the Universe. The Lemurians knew that this would
be a pivotal time in the Earth’s evolution, so they left crystals in the Earth for us to magnify
healing energy and use for our planet.
2012 年12⽉的宇宙時刻為我們的地球帶來了美妙的新能量,並給了我們所有啟蒙和揚升的機會。我們美妙的星球正在經歷巨⼤的變化,其能量從第三維度快速提升到第五維度。很快地它將作為第五維度的星球產⽣共鳴,並透過將其美妙的光芒和振動照射到宇宙中,在進化中發揮不可或缺的作⽤。列穆尼亞⼈知道這將是地球進化的關鍵時刻,因此他們在地球上留下了⽔晶,供我們放⼤療癒能量並為我們的星球使⽤。
We will visit the famous Lala Mountain Nature Reserve, the Sacred Tree Group in Taoyuan (near Taipei), for a 3-day / 2-night Lemurian Planetary Healing Teacher Training Course. During the course, you will live in a local wooden guest house, and visit sacred trees for Earth Healing. The Lala Mountain Giant Tree Area ranges from 1,500 meters to 2,130 meters above sea level and it’s the largest group of giant trees in Southeast Asia which has 24 giant trees, ranging in age from 500 to 1,495 years old. Travelers who follow the trail can see all the giant trees.
You are welcome to join us in walking into nature and connecting with the giant trees full of sacred energy. This course requires the qualification of a DCSWL teacher. The fee is £264. If you have not been certified as a DCSWL teacher, please contact Master Teacher, Yen Chi Wang, to complete the Teacher Module training first. The fee is £660. This fee does not include accommodation and transportation costs, please email: freelandtheta@gmail.com to inquire about course details.
歡迎您加入一同走入大自然,連結充滿神聖能量的巨木群。本課程須具備黛安娜庫柏白光學院認證導師身份,費用為264英鎊,若尚未認證成為導師的同學,須先聯繫晏祺老師完成教師模組培訓,費用為660英鎊,此費用不包含住宿及交通費用,請來信email: freelandtheta@gmail.com 諮詢課程及行程細節。