By Jo Ashby
On this mountain where I live all is peaceful and beautiful. In my garden, the daffodils are coming out, and the grass is quietly growing.
In the wider world, however, it would seem there is chaos and confusion. I listen to the radio and read some newspapers, so I hear and read all about the Coronavirus. I shop from time to time in the local towns, and I sense vast amounts of fear everywhere. Yet early one morning a month or so ago I understood that everything is unravelling and that is as it should be.
Globally we are all advised to self – isolate, a favourite thing for me since very early childhood! So stay home, governments say unless you are a front line service. I believe that we lightworkers are a front line service, not just for this time now or because of this so-called “virus.” We have to remind ourselves that we are here to be pure and perfect channels for Divine Light and Love to pour into this earth and do that – channel that Light and that Love.
I suggest that now more than ever we should come together to say the Beacon of Light Prayer:
Hundreds of people all around the world are coming together at noon, daily, for 5 minutes, to connect with their minds and their hearts, and to build a Beacon of Light. Wherever we are in the world, noon is the time when the sun is at its highest in the sky.
We are all coming together in our imagining in a circle around a beautiful Beacon. We are asking for a golden pillar of Divine healing light to come down from the highest point in the Heavens, down into the centre of our circle and then down into the very heart of the earth, where radiant white healing light is released.
We are all Beacons of light, and when our own individual lights are joined as one, we will create the most amazing Beacon; a colossal lighthouse that will be seen all over the earth and that signals that this is a place where the purest and healing Divine Love can be found.
We are building a powerful Beacon so strong that its rays of light reach out giving warmth where warmth is needed; a light so radiant that it lights up every single place on earth and lights up the hearts of sentient beings everywhere.
Please join us and help us to ‘Build the Beacon.’ There is no cost involved, and nowhere you need to go to, other than within. Where ever we are on our journey through life, where ever we are in the world, please may we all come together as a sacred community of light and contribute our individual light to the whole.
Together lets clear the earth of this fear which is the most limiting thing for us all. We can ask the angels and the dragons to help us to fill the earth and all sentient beings on it with pure Divine
Healing Love.
When we come together to do the light work, we are so
much more powerful.
Meet you at the Beacon!
With Love
Jo xx