Four real-life angel stories to uplift and inspire.

Feathers Lead the Way

By Carol De Vasconcelos

Principal Teacher


When I went to do my Teachers Training with Diana Cooper in Wales in 1998, Diana had decided to have a Release Ceremony on the seventh day we were there. Having come from South Africa and this being my first course with the School, I was clueless about ceremonies and had no idea what to wear. So when I got to the venue and saw everyone else’s outfits, I was stunned to see all the beautiful dresses. So I decided to go to the village the next day and see if I could get something more suitable.

“I then saw another feather a little way ahead of that one and repeated, “The angels are here”.


A few of the girls were going to the village and were happy for me to tag along. They all seemed to find something very quickly, yet I’d been into every shop and not seen anything.

It was getting late, and the shops were closing, so we were on our way back to the car.  I saw a feather on the ground in front of me. I said in desperation, “Girls, the angels are here,” and they just acknowledged without taking much notice of me. I then saw another feather a little way ahead of that one and repeated, “The angels are here.” But, again, everyone just smiled and walked along, not paying much attention.

Next thing, I saw many larger feathers and said, thinking I would now get their attention, “The Archangels are here.” So I followed the feathers and as I looked up here was the most beautiful shop.  It had ceremonial clothes, rings, necklaces and even shoes – it was just what I was looking for.  In fact, the girls all bought more stuff there, and we sent more people to the shop the following day as the dresses were so lovely.

I still have mine; it is a Maroon Velvet long dress, and I wear it with pride every time, knowing that the angels with their feathers lead me straight to the shop where I could buy my Ceremonial Robe.


Angels Singing my Name


By Susan Browne

Teacher of Angels, Ascension, Dragons, Unicorns, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Transform Your Life.


“To request an angel sign, ask with an open heart in your mind or out loud, and then release this with faith. Then wait and see what happens.”


I was driving home after a trip away, and I felt tired and a bit anxious for no good reason that I could understand. So I asked the angels, ‘give me a sign that you’re with me,’ and immediately, a strong thought came into my mind, like a command: ‘turn on the radio.’

I’m not a fan of the radio, but I followed the message and turned it on. A song played with my name in it, and I laughed. ‘Okay, angels, that’s a lovely sign, thank you,’ I said. I left the radio on and, no joke, two more songs with my name in them were played within the next hour. I couldn’t believe it. It made me feel so loved, and all my worry and feelings of tiredness were gone.

The angels like to give us signs in any way that we can recognise. And when we get those intuitive thoughts that might not make sense at the time, we should follow them.

To request an angel sign, ask with an open heart in your mind or out loud, and then release this with faith. Then wait and see what happens.


Divine Intervention Across the Miles

By Savina Shah

Teacher, Diana Cooper School of White Light


“I followed the Divine instructions and seated myself in the chair.”


My son Rohan moved to Vancouver almost two months ago. Since this is his first time flying out of the cosy nest and building his own life, my husband and I wanted to go with him and help him settle there. However, we couldn’t, and he flew out all by himself due to the travel protocols. Nevertheless, he has merrily nestled himself into the new setup, and our hearts are ever so grateful for that.

This morning, I went to his room to water the plants on his balcony. And when I was about to leave his room, I heard Angels ask me to stop and sit on the chair. So I followed the Divine instructions and seated myself in the chair. I found myself invoking Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Metatron and Sandalphon – yes, all of them together! And as soon as I did, the question arose in my mind, what did I invoke them for? And immediately saw my son standing in front of me, and he looked a little sad and dull. Now, I understood the purpose of the unexpected Divine intervention. I asked the Archangels to support my son on all the levels of his existence. To transmute and transform anything that is not in alignment with him, under the law of grace. So be it!

After precisely three minutes, we received a call from my son on my husband’s phone. He told us that he was feeling a little sad for some reason, but suddenly he felt a rush of energy and quite instantly felt energetic and cheerful. He further added, “Mama, I felt some sprinkles of love on me.”

All I had was a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart.

Angels truly have their ways to enter into our lives and glorify and enrich our existence.


Connect to your Guardian Angel


By Manjula Singh

Master Teacher – Angels


“Whatever the situation, surrender it to your Angels. They take care of everything to fall in place for us to live peacefully.”


Last week my husband and I travelled to visit my son. I had to come back to my city, and my husband stayed back. The day I left, my son had to travel for official work for a day, and my husband had to stay alone there for a night. Though it’s not a big issue, I had concerns about leaving him alone after he’d been affected with COVID a few months back. I found myself worrying about him.

The following day, I woke up with the same thought. I used to light a lamp outside my door every morning and evening, saying a small prayer. That morning I was lighting the lamp thinking about my husband. I turned and looked on the floor: a small feather was lying near my gate. I was so happy and grateful for this sign and thanked my angel.

After a while, my human mind went back to worrying, and I called my husband. All was well. I reassured myself, and I came out to open the gate for my helper. On the way to the gate, I saw another feather on the ground. My heart soared, and I joyfully thanked both my and my husband’s guardian angels once again.

After some time, I’d been busy with work and came out to feed my cat. Here, I found another feather. I understood it as a sign from my angel to keep me in joy, peace and happiness. I was deeply humbled and thanked my angels with deep gratitude and love for always taking care of myself and my family members.

We are not alone. Whatever the situation, surrender it to your angels. They take care of everything to fall in place for us to live peacefully. Ask your guardian angel for help and healing, whether the situation is big or small. They are right there to extend their healing wings to help, heal and protect us.

I thank my and my family members guardian angels for all the love they shower on us all the time.

Love you all, my dear angels, with much gratitude.



If you have an angel story you’d like to share with us, get in touch at; we’d love to hear from you.

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